Reviewed for

Insurance and Protection ( 6 )

Mortgages ( 6 )

Pensions ( 106 )

Equity Release ( 2 )

Retirement income (annuities, drawdown) ( 35 )

Investments and Savings ( 79 )

Pension Transfers - Non Specialist ( 24 )

Inheritance Planning ( 9 )

Long Term Care ( 5 )

Pension Transfers - Specialist ( 18 )

Financial Planning ( 4 )

Financial Mentoring ( 2 )

Financial Coaching ( 1 )

Reviewers' assets

£500k+ ( 45 )

£200k - £500k ( 18 )

£100k - £200k ( 12 )

Up to £50k ( 17 )

£50k - 100k ( 10 )

Client reviews

Review from verified client

January, 2022





Based in London

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Transferring out of a long term Defined Benefit pension scheme

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

All aspects of the transfer end to end and has now taken over managing all mine and my wife's pension, mortgage and financial planning as well as mentoring our children in financial awareness and understanding.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Yes, more than hoped for, Jeremy provides conservative estimates

What could they have done better?


First impression from a user who is not yet a client

January, 2022


Please provide a brief comment about your experience with Jeremy

I was contacted by the Company a day or so after my on line request. Jeremy did not contact me personally, but Ian Penberthy spoke with me over the telephone and gave me advice, at the same time setting up a portal for me to use going forward (if I wanted) My situation is not complicated and Ian really confirmed my thinking of the situation. No pressure was applied.

Review from verified client

December, 2021





Based in Surrey

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

I was initially seeking independent advice on the feasibility of transferring my final salary / DB pensions to a private pension, and also an opinion on whether they were sufficient to provide a sustainable retirement income. Regulation demands the involvement of an adviser for transfers; in my search for an adviser I was pleased to find Jeremy as he is straightforward, pragmatic as well as knowledgeable.

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

Jeremy provided a financial plan and recommendations (including for my wife's pensions) that were based on a comprehensive review of our lifestyle, future needs and our attitude to risk.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Yes, Town Close worked hard to complete all transfers, and all is going to plan so far.

What could they have done better?

Nothing comes to mind - the Town Close team have been great to work with.

Review from verified client

December, 2021





Based in London

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Retirement Pension planning.

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

Jeremy advised and guided me through my financial pension planning for retirement.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

The outcome was exactly how it was planned and reaching the goals.

Review from verified client

December, 2021





Based in London

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Moving from corporate to personal pension

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

Pension planning, Financial planning

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Good return on my pension at +6% this year

What could they have done better?


Review from verified client

December, 2021





Based in Essex

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Coming up to retirement wanted an independent review of my financial circumstances

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

He went through a lot of areas of Financial planning with me and we specifically look at what options were available to me in terms of my Pension and what my goals and aspirations were for the future and what could be done to ensure my objectives were met.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Yes I have been very satisfied with outcomes and the independent advice given.

First impression from a user who is not yet a client

September, 2021


Please provide a brief comment about your experience with Jeremy

Fees were deliberately withheld until forced to provide.

Jeremy's reply

I am sorry to hear that Mr Cimino is disappointed. We explained to Mr Cimino that, without a clear picture of what he has, where it is and what his objectives are we cannot quote a fee. Mr Cimino was given the opportunity to provide details over the 'phone, in person or via secure messaging. He declined to do so. This is how we explain our fees on our VouchedFor profile, where we give examples of likely fees: "The fees we have quoted are typical of the work we usually do. Your fee could be significantly more or less depending on the amount and type of work we agree needs to be done. Our fees are agreed in advance and paid once the work is completed and you're happy with it. The fee we quote will be bespoke to your situation, there is no set formula based on how wealthy you are. For example, A single person with a single account of £2m could require a lot less work, initially and ongoing, than a couple with four accounts each and £1m in total."

Review from verified client

June, 2021





Based in Surrey

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

I decided to take more control over my future investments and income stream.

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

Jeremy was very helpful right at the beginning enabling me to focus my mind on my future income planning and retirement.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Pretty much. We are approaching our three review to see if what we had planned is coming together.

What could they have done better?

Simple fee structure outline/example for the newbie.

Review from verified client

June, 2021





Based in Essex

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

I had taken redundancy from a full-time job which was linked to a company pension scheme and had started two new part-time jobs with two different firms which both had their own company pension scheme elements. On top of that I had a personal pension (AVC) and wanted to bring everything together to simplify my finances. The plan was to move abroad (and still is, but Covid has skewed things) and I wanted everything to be more easily accessible without having to deal with several different funds.

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

Jeremy explained the options that were open to me and my wife and transferred all the various different funds into one place where I could see at a glance how my pot was performing. He also provided models/illustrations/projections of how our finances might look in the future as we reached retirement and moved into old age.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

So far the pot has performed far better than we ever expected, even allowing for a sharp drop it suffered in March 2020, and if it keeps going the way it has been then we are quietly confident we will never have financial problems for the rest of our lives. We are very pleased with how everything has turned out and how it is looking for the years to come.

What could they have done better?

I don't pretend to be an expert in how financial advisers work in general, but in our personal experience Jeremy and his team at Town Close could not have been friendlier, more helpful or efficient or better informed. They have all been superb as far as we are concerned.

Review from verified client

June, 2021





Based in Essex

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Transfer of final salary pensions

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

Provided the advice required to allow us to make the decision on an informed basis.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Yes, at the moment, a very positive outcome.

What could they have done better?

Nothing I can think of, everything is taken care of with a very efficient support team that helped us with the paperwork.

Review from verified client

May, 2021





Based in Essex

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Pension transfer

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

Reviewed all the options laid these out clearly.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?


First impression from a user who is not yet a client

May, 2021


Please provide a brief comment about your experience with Jeremy

I had an initial zoom meeting with Jeremy to discuss my financial planning options. I am a young working professional, and until recently didn't think I needed to consider my future finances or retirement plans. Jeremy took the time to really explain my options to me, and how financial planning could put me in a good position. Email correspondence leading up to my initial meeting and a follow up afterwards was very prompt. I felt that Jeremy was clear and thorough, without being condescending, which is important when you don't know much about the subject area.

Review from verified client

April, 2021





Based in West Sussex

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

We were looking for advice on the financial guidance and Jeremy came very highly recommended by someone who had a very positive experience of his guidance

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

Jeremy help to organise our finances, especially, our pensions and investments in such a way that the returns we are seeing are better than best expectations. His experience, guidance and extremely professional and friendly manner means that this is someone we feel confident we can trust with our finances

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Yes, we have seen better than we had been hoping for. Investments had grown higher than industry norms and faster than our expectations

What could they have done better?

Absolutely nothing. This is a best class team, delivering beyond expectations

Review from verified client

August, 2020





Based in Essex

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

I want access to all of my company pensions and the fact that should I die my spouse and children would get 100% of the equity.

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

Developed a plan for my multiple transfers and once in place continued to monitor the market and make quick adjustments so we did not lose out.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Better than my fund has grown by over 10% and that includes Covid19 downturn.

What could they have done better?

Nothing, Jeremy and his team keep us fully appraised of the market and quickly advise of changes they can make only after our agreement.

Review from verified client

August, 2020





Based in Essex

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

I was retiring and needed help to plan my finances for the future. This is not my area of expertise so I needed some help.

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

He sorted it all out. He made sure that we had cash available for the next three years based on our discussed needs, and invested the resst.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

So far, yes. Our funds are growing in spite of world problems.

What could they have done better?

Like I say, finance is not my field, so I simply don't know. All I know is that my investment is growing in spite of everything.

Review from verified client

August, 2020





Based in Essex

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?


How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

He drew up a financial plan for my retirement, oversaw the transfers of several pension arrangements into a personal pension fund and provides ongoing financial advice and support.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?


What could they have done better?

I was and continue to be fully satisfied with the services provided by Jeremy and the rest of the Town Close team.

Review from verified client

July, 2020





Based in Kent

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

I had pensions, ISA's and savings across multiple companies, with no financial guidance or understanding whether I was getting the best gains possible.

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

A friend recommended Jeremy to me and once meeting him, his authenticity and professionalism to do the best for clients was evident. He helped me consolidate all my funds onto one platform, keeping me regularly informed of progress.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Absolutely, everything has been seamless and timely. Jeremy is always available for a call or meeting at my request. He also contacts me frequently for check-ins and updates, as do his team.

What could they have done better?

Nothing, all superb.

Review from verified client

July, 2020





Based in London

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

I had managed my savings for many years without specialist knowledge or advice, sometimes successfully sometimes not, but got to the point when I really did need professional advice and all my various investments 'tidying up'. Also I wanted someone else to take over the responsibility of keeping an eye on things, bearing in mind my financial need for the present and future. As Attorneys my daughter and I had used Jeremy's services before (via Vouched For) in dealing with my late mother-in-law's affairs and liked him and the personal attention he gave us in offering options of various courses of action. I approached him not knowing whether he would be interested in helping me with my investments and was delighted when he agreed without hesitation. His office is in Essex and I live in SW London.

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

Assessing my financial situation and requirements, reviewing the many different accounts I had and undertaking the 'tidying up' of these, transferring them to an ISA and an Investment account with Fidelity Funds Network. There are still a few more transfers needed, some of which are delayed because of their fixed nature or bearing in mind tax liability. Jeremy's firm, Town Close Financial Planning, has set up a closed website on which is posted notifications and a daily update on the performance of investments. Because of some of the transactions carried out by TCFP I need ongoing help with tax returns as I am in unknown territory with some of the information required.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

I am not sure I see 'an outcome' as I am lucky enough to have cash for emergencies and the investments are really to secure my future, especially as the pension fund which provides my major source of income may be in trouble.

What could they have done better?

There was a mistake in advice given about my tax return in 2018/19 resulting in increased tax liability but TCFP unhesitatingly sent me a cheque amounting to the additional liability for which I was grateful.

First impression from a user who is not yet a client

March, 2020


Please provide a brief comment about your experience with Jeremy

Very good

First impression from a user who is not yet a client

March, 2020


Please provide a brief comment about your experience with Jeremy

very good

Review from verified client

October, 2019





Based in Essex

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

I needed professional financial advice as I am approaching retirement. I wanted to ensure my finances were best placed going forward to ensure continuity of income in the future.

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

I had several pension schemes and other investments and wanted to consolidate them all in one place. Jeremy spent time reviewing my situation and my requirements and advised accordingly. I had several meetings with Jeremy and his team and agreed a financial plan. Jeremy wanted to ensure I was happy with his recommendations before any changes were made to my existing arrangements.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Yes, my pension funds and other investments have been consolidated so it is now much easier to see where I stand financially. I had regular contact and updates from Jeremy and his team both whilst this transfer process was in progress and since it was completed.

What could they have done better?

Nothing, Jeremy and his team performed in a very friendly and professional manner and took great pains to ensure I was happy with the arrangements before any work was carried out.

Review from verified client

October, 2019





Based in Surrey

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

I was soon to be retiring and I needed to consolidate all my pensions, obtaining the best advice and ensuring continuity of income going forward.

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

He advised on all pensions, which ones to retain and which to cash in. He recommended a plan for the future, identifying an investment portfolio.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

My pensions have been consolidated and are, at the present time, performing.

Review from verified client

October, 2019





Based in London

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Planning for retirement and inheritance of an estate.

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

Jeremy helped us to explore options around our retirement and planning to invest our savings and inheritance. He was thoughtful and sensitive as well as practical.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

We have been able to implement the first part of our plan, achieving a career change and investing our savings and inheritance. We are comfortable that we will be able to achieve our goals next year and that we will see the full value of Jeremy's advice at the end of the initial 3 year plan.

Review from verified client

October, 2019





Based in Essex

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Pension planning. I was looking for advice on how to invest a lump sum to provide an income for retirement.

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

Jeremy concentrates on getting to know you, your expectations, needs and targets. He focuses on your income, lifestyle, expenditure and assets. Once he has gathered all the relevant information and considered our risk profile he provides a very clear plan. Jeremy then explains and demonstrates during reviews on how he expects your portfolio to perform.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

I am very happy with how my investments have performed so far, certainly in line with our expectations.

What could they have done better?

I have no issues with Jeremy or his team, they have been totally professional.

Review from verified client

October, 2019





Based in Hertfordshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

My husband was retiring and we felt it was a good opportunity to evaluate our financial position with a view to medium and long term planning. We were also a little unhappy with some of the returns on our investments.

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

Jeremy was able to detail our current financial position and illustrate future projections. We also discussed our ideas and spending plans and combining these together has allowed us to see how viable our financial position is in the short and long term. With Jeremy's help we have (for the first time) a logical and well communicated financial plan. It is clear, structured and reflects what we want to achieve. This has been such a change compared to our previous experiences with financial advice which was focused on investment but without the broader context of our ideas and spending plans.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Yes we feel well informed about our financial position and that it takes account of our short and long term expenditure. We have been able to make lifestyle changes as a result of Jeremy's help and he has enabled us to understand what might be possible. He has always taken the time to ensure that the investments we make are right for our circumstances, and both he and the team have always responded quickly and helpfully to any queries we may have.

Review from verified client

September, 2019





Based in Essex

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

I had requested a Current Equivalent Valuation Transfer of my from my existing employees Defined Benefit Pension Scheme and was interested in moving it to a SIPP.

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

Jeremy spent considerable time getting to know us and our future needs and aspirations. Jeremy took notes of all our income / expenditure and our asset / liabilities. He helped us understand our risk profile and put a plan together. We have had two full reviews since where Jeremy has reviewed our circumstances and provided projections of future wealth. As well as a friendly and informative service, above all else Jeremy demonstrates assurance that we are on track to enjoying a financially healthy retirement.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Very much. Jeremy also put us in touch with a STEP practitioner who has arranged a will for us with a Trust in place so that we can reduce our Inheritance tax liability.

What could they have done better?

Nothing. Jeremy and his team always go the extra mile for us.

Review from verified client

September, 2019





Based in Essex

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

I was considering taking early retirement and wanted a professional opinion on whether it was viable. It's one of the biggest decisions we have made in our lives and I wanted someone I could trust very quickly.

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

Our initial conversations focused on lifestyle and personal background before detailed analysis of our finances. This has helped us focus on what we want out of our pension and what expectations to set. We also spoke with other advisers and while their ultimate financial advice broadly mirrored Jeremy's, he understands what makes us tick, is very approachable and patient with managing our needs. Jeremy and his team always explain in clear terms the actions he advises and allows us to ultimately make the decisions. So far our portfolio has performed within the parameters he described but he always explains what the potential risks are and the rewards.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

It's a long game but the initial performance has been in line with our expectations. Ultimately it has reinforced my decision to take early retirement which has enhanced our lives and we have a path to follow that we understand. Our decision to use Jeremy is completed vindicated by the personal treatment that we receive, a key factor in our decision making along with potential performance.

What could they have done better?

I am struggling to find any issues where Jeremy and his team have not performed exactly as we would have wished. If I was to give advice to potential customers using the SIPP service as we do, take some time to understand what the website service provides.

Review from verified client

September, 2019





Based in Essex

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

We had an initial amount to invest.

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

We had an in depth meeting with Jeremy and he explained what he can do for us. He asked if we had any other investments and private pensions. Jeremy went through in great detail the benefits of investing our money. He produced a plan outlining our investment for the coming years which put our minds at rest.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

We are very impressed with the professional way he handled our investments and the interest that we have made.

What could they have done better?

I cannot think of any thing more he could have done

Review from verified client

September, 2019





Based in Norfolk

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Pension planning. I wanted advice on how to invest a lump sum for retirement income.

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

Established my priorities for retirement by listening to what will be important to myself and my husband. Offered a variety of options that met my priorities and requirements taking into account my attitude to risk. Offered me flexible options to have choices in the future that I was not aware of. Provided a very clear plan of how my investments could look and the impact of any changes I might make. Was easily contactable for any questions or queries.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Yes I am very happy with how my investments are growing.

What could they have done better?


Review from verified client

September, 2019





Based in London

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

I had to take early retirement in order to look after my elderly parent after they were diagnosed with dementia, so it was necessary for me to have my pension transferred asap.

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

Jeremy could not be more sympathetic and patient. He took the time to listen patiently to my situation and gave me a very thorough and concise explanation of all the options available to me, including the time it would take to achieve my goals, and a plan going forward. Jeremy and his team were very professional, friendly and considerate at all times.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Yes most definitely and I am very thankful and continue to consult Jeremy.

What could they have done better?

I can't think of anything he could have done better. He has always been on point, providing regular updates, reports as well as a news letter.

Review from verified client

September, 2019





Based in Essex

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

I was looking for advice relating to transfer of my defined benefit scheme

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

Jeremy spent time carefully assessing whether transferring my pension would be appropriate given my circumstances and explaining all the options open to me, risk appetite and future planning etc

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Yes, my pension was transferred to a sipp and into a balanced range of investment funds

First impression from a user who is not yet a client

September, 2019


Please provide a brief comment about your experience with Jeremy

Very professional and friendly in all dealings.

Review from verified client

September, 2019





Based in Essex

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Jeremy was recommended by a good friend who had worked with him to explore retirement options

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

Jeremy worked with me to explore a number of options, this process took some time due my caution, but Jeremy was always happy to provide advice and answers to my questions.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Yes, the engagement with Jeremy has enabled me to understand what options were available to me, and this has resulted in me reducing my work hours and taking a sabbatical, both of which would not have happened without his advice.

What could they have done better?

Not much, perhaps some sort of questionnaire to understand the understanding of the customer might have helped both sides in the discussion process

Review from verified client

September, 2019





Based in Cornwall

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Being self employed and not having a pension or any investments.

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

Jeremy helped me to understand how much I need to be saving per month to maintain my lifestyle in retirement. He advised on investment strategy, helped me understand different types of accounts and introduced me to other fantastic people who could help me gets my will and POA in place.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Yes I am more than happy with the outcome.

What could they have done better?

Nothing! Everyone at Town Close always goes above and beyond wherever and whenever possible.

Review from verified client

May, 2019





Based in Essex

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

I am hoping to take early retirement and wanted to know if this is a feasible option.

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

Jeremy listened to what I hoped to achieve and asked relevant questions about my aims. We then discussed the various options and scenarios before he advised me to request some additional information. After I had gathered the this, he walked me through the options, giving me advice about which would achieve my aims in the most effective way. He also provided ongoing advice for the near future. All advice was given in plain English and Jeremy was both approachable and interested.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?


What could they have done better?


First impression from a user who is not yet a client

April, 2019


Please provide a brief comment about your experience with Jeremy

No initial consultation without having to pay

Jeremy's reply

Jayesh sent us details of his pensions and investments after we had confirmed the fee for our MoT service, based on the expected amount of work. Having spent an hour doing looking at his plan providers and investments we confirmed that we were sure our MoT would highlight areas where changes could easily cover the cost of the MoT, i.e. It would be to his net benefit. We asked for half the fee in advance (as a show of good faith) and confirmed that, if he did not think the final MoT was worth paying for we would not invoice the balance. Areas of concern included expensive providers and funds and a lack of a discernible investment strategy. It would have required a year one improvement of less than 0.25% to cover our MoT fee.

Review from verified client

September, 2018





Based in Suffolk

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

I hd been a long term member of my employers final salary pension scheme although they had withdrawn the fund and switched it to a money purchase scheme. I had recently started a family and wanted to review how my pension savings could work best for me but also offer maximum protection for my family.

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

Jeremy helped me understand the difference between the types of pension that were available and make some comparisons based on future projections. My employer were offering generous amounts to withdraw from the final salary scheme and lots of colleagues were taking advantage of this. I wanted to understand how this could benefit me and my family now and in the future. Jeremy was very clear in helping me understand the different options that were open to me and the pros and cons of each option.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Yes. Very much so. I was somebody that just joined a company pension when i started work and never really looked to understand how and where my funds were being invested. Jeremy advice helped me understand and make very clear decisions that will benefit me in the future in terms of flexibility in retirement and protecting my family should anything happen to me.

What could they have done better?

Nothing in this instance, I felt fully informed which was very important to me. I want to feel like I am involved in making informed choices rather than being told what is best. Jeremy ensured that whilst he was offering advice I was fully involved in the process.

Review from verified client

September, 2018





Based in Essex

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

I needed advice to transfer my pension.

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

He thoroughly went through everything to ensure this was the correct thing to do .

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?


Review from verified client

September, 2018





Based in London

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

We were embarking on a "bank of mum and dad" project with our eldest son, and also needed to re-vamp our multiple pensions and cash investments into a safe and more productive and tax efficient environment.

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

After some intensive fact-finding and analysis, he drafted a financial plan to meet our current and future needs and goals, advising consolidation and moves into the most tax efficient and hopefully more productive investments. We have regular update calls and meetings. He made us aware of the importance of planning around the available tax allowances.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

In terms of tax efficiency and reduction of fees on old products yes. In terms of growth it is too early to say yet. The recommendations have been clear and have mostly now been implemented. We are better organised and aware of where the savings, pensions and investments are, rather than scattered over multiple accounts.

Review from verified client

August, 2018





Based in Herefordshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

I was taking early retirement and needed advice.

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

Jeremy asked many questions about my finances. He reviewed with me what I wanted my future to look like. He then went away and put some plans together. He then came back and we went through each plan He then left these with me to choose the one I thought would be best for me. Which I did with no pressure. Then the plan was acted on by Jeremy.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

So far so good. The plan is solid and is doing what Jeremy said it would.

What could they have done better?

I am by nature a bit of a control freak and this means I need detail. So at the beginning of our relationship I was probably a pain needing to know all the detail. However once Jeremy understood this he ensured I got all the details I needed.

Review from verified client

August, 2018





Based in London

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

I was reachinfg my 55th birthday and wanted to understand what options would be available to me since the pension landscape has changed.

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

We were introduced to Jeremy via a recommendation. We were advised he could provide some valuable insights into how to look at pensions. At our first meeting together we discussed a very rounded approach to looking at how financially I was set up to look at all options available including pensions.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Very much so. From extensive and broad discussions around goals and life ambitions, through to financial planning and documents. This has then led to a whole sequence of actions from the plan that has brought the ideas to life. A much greater understanding of financial freedom has been gained throughout the exchange and I’m very happy with how the whole process has been delivered.

What could they have done better?

Genuinely have no suggestions for improvement as he delivers what he says every single time.

Review from verified client

August, 2018





Based in Surrey

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Approaching retirement and seeking advice on my company pension.

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

By clearly and methodically setting out the options that I had.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?


What could they have done better?

Really nothing more. Jeremy's advice was comprehensive and well formed without being in any way prescriptive. He was patient and attentive, and having understood my particular case came back with a good solution.

Review from verified client

August, 2018





Based in London

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

To see if retirement for me, as the bread winner was an option, based on my husband's and my combined pension pots. My husband had "swapped" roles over 20 years ago - he became the homemaker and at the time of seeking this advice, his pension was still held by the company he had worked for previously. Given the sum involved, neither of us felt we had the knowledge of investment opportunities to ensure the money would out-last us.

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

We had several meetings where he listened to our ambitions, examined our pensions, our outgoings and any likely future large expenditure items. He produced full recommendation reports for both of us, which made appropriate comparisons between our existing and potential pension earnings. Ultimately, he gave us the confidence that my retirement was entirely possible, without a change of lifestyle.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Absolutely. I retired at the end of March 2017 and we are enjoying life. We have a regularly reviewed financial plan, which we understand fully. The initial recommendations included comparisons with our previous pension policies and so far, our new investments are performing well and we are very happy with the service Jeremy has provided.

Review from verified client

August, 2018





Based in Essex

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

We were thinking of retiring and wanted advise on how best to manage our investments.

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

He reviewed all of our investments and savings and what our we wanted to do with our lives and provide us with an overview and assurance that we had enough money in our portfolio to be able to retire.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Yes we have been a client for 18 months and everything Jeremy told us would happen has and we have now come to the realiastion that we do have enough savings to be able to do what we wanted too and be able to help our children and grandkids.

What could they have done better?

we have been very happy with the service and outcomes from the investment decision that we made on Jeremy advise. The only area that perhaps would have benefited my husband more would have been a lower level more simple overview of how the investment will grow, but that does has not detracted from the excellent service we have received.

Review from verified client

August, 2018





Based in Surrey

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Research into withdrawing from a final salary pension scheme - controlling its capital independently.

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

He helped us to understand the relative benefits and risks of remaining within the scheme or withdrawing from it. Subsequently his company manages our portfolio and savings and he is always helpful with advice, suggestions and strategies for investing.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

To date, yes.

What could they have done better?

I do not believe the service could have been better.

Review from verified client

August, 2018





Based in London

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Originally I had an Endowment which appeared to have stagnated. Jeremy providing some sound advice, which has proved invaluable. Some years later my occupational pension was available to use and once again Jeremy’s expertise has been impeccable.

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

He opened my eyes to all sorts of possibilities. I’m not exaggerating by saying he’s changed my outlook and standard of life for the better. He has shown me that my long term financial future is secure. Plus I’m also able to financially help my children.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

With his forecasts, regular updates and chats, Jeremy and his team keep a close eye on our investments. Regularly fine tuning them to maximise income and growth. He is both reassuring and knowledgeable.

What could they have done better?

Honestly.....very hard to find an area to improve. Maybe switch football teams?

Review from verified client

August, 2018





Based in London

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

I had just retired and wanted to consolidate a number of pension pots that I had collected along the way.

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

Jeremy advised me on how to make the most of the overall pension sum that I had managed to accumulate during my working life and how to invest it safely and wisely, based on my own individual risk appetite.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Yes, so far, I have been very pleased.

What could they have done better?

Well, in hindsight, he could have doubled my money but, back in the real world, we all know that that is totally unrealistic, so to expect anything other than a steady growth rate over the course of the near 18 months I have been with Jeremy would probably have me worried that he was employing a reckless investment strategy. On that basis, he has followed the strategy laid out at our first meeting and I’m happy with that.

Review from verified client

August, 2018





Based in Essex

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

I had a large number of disparate pensions having worked for a number of investment banks in my career and was looking to consolidate them. However, an unforeseen family event brought some urgency to my need for professional financial advise. I had already discounted one advisor after proceeding quite far on the grounds that I could not build a relationship with the advisor.

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

Jeremy took the time to listen to my tales of woe and firstly was able to empathise in a human way, reiterate my needs and very quickly put a plan in place in tandem with me to best suit my overall goal and objectives. Jeremy and his team at Town Close Financial Planing were very clear in the way the dealt with each of my pensions and worked hard to ensure I understood the pros and cons and associated risks of each individual transaction. It was from this advise and a very frank and open conversation with Jeremy that I realised that I could afford to exceed my goals and retire immediately. Allowing me to concentrate on the unforeseen family event to the benefit of my whole immediate family. It was this conversation that gave me the kick I needed to focus on what really matters and make my pensions work for me.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

As mentioned above My goals and the level of service far exceeded my expectations. A very different relationship from the first firm I worked with.

What could they have done better?

As the work commenced I seem to talk to a few different people and I was a little confused as to who to contact. However, this was a very minor point and actually gave me more confidence in the company as the level of customer service I obtained regardless of who picked up the phone was exemplary.

Review from verified client

August, 2018





Based in Essex

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Concerns our pensions would not be sufficient for our retirement.

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

Reviewed our finances, pensions and discussed our plans for the future and based on that information assessed the best financial options available to meet our needs. Possible future major outgoing were also taken into account and our finances are now planned until our expected end of life giving us a peace of mind knowing exactly where we are month by month.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Definately exceeded expectation as we were not aware of different pension options and the one taken has increased the monthly funds available to us which previously was insufficient.

What could they have done better?

Personally we do not feel Jeremy & team could do any more for us as everything planned and always available to discuss concerns or changes in circumstances as well as half yearly meetings to review our position. Always very professional, welcoming and patient as well as reassuring

Review from verified client

July, 2018





Based in London

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

I left my previous company and had a career average pension scheme. I wanted to look review the options available to ensure my pension was being put to best use for my retirement.

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

He went through all the options and explained this very well. We set up a plan that I have full confidence in.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Yes so far.

What could they have done better?

Nothing springs to mind.

First impression from a user who is not yet a client

February, 2018


Please provide a brief comment about your experience with Jeremy

We had a very comprehensive conversation with Jeremy. We will be meeting Jeremy again soon who will be providing some projections based on the information that we supplied

First impression from a user who is not yet a client

October, 2017


Please provide a brief comment about your experience with Jeremy

Initial meeting favourable. Easy to talk to & seemed knowledgeable. Will look forward to seeing what further meetings reveal.

First impression from a user who is not yet a client

June, 2017


Please provide a brief comment about your experience with Jeremy

Jeremy is very personable and explained in a clear and concise manner the services he could provide for us.

First impression from a user who is not yet a client

January, 2017


Please provide a brief comment about your experience with Jeremy

Jeremy was professional, personable and friendly. He asked a number of questions regarding our finances, and spent quite a bit of time explaining what the next steps would be, what work would be undertaken and how the fees would be broken out. The meeting took less than an hour and we have agreed to meet again in a couple of weeks.

Review from verified client

November, 2016





Based in Middlesex

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

We were both approaching retirement and we needed advice on the best use of our savings and pensions.

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

He has helped us understand the use of investments to protect our money and earn the best possible returns. We could not have made the arrangements we have without his help, advice and guidance. He has explained the processes and requirements in a way we could understand and throughout has been able to re-assure us that these were the right things to do. He also took full account of our attitudes to risk and tailored the investments accordingly.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

It is too soon to tell whether the outcome will be what we were hoping for, but from everything he has shown and explained to us, it certainly should be. In the end it comes down to a matter of trust and we feel that Jeremy has demonstrated that he deserves and earns that trust. His suggestion that, because of my wife's pensions, which are now in payment, I should withdraw and invest the funds from my (now-closed) company pension went against the grain to start with, but he took the time to explain (several times) why and how this would work to our long-term benefit and we trust and believe this will be the case.

What could they have done better?

Nothing comes to mind.

First impression from a user who is not yet a client

November, 2016


Please provide a brief comment about your experience with Jeremy

Excellent service I received from Jeremy .

Review from verified client

October, 2016





Based in London

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Impending retirement.

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

Maximising ou pensions and investments.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?


What could they have done better?

Not aware of anything he could have done better

Review from verified client

October, 2016





Based in London

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

In need of financial advice regarding cash savings and what best to do for the future.

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

Advised on how much cash to keep in easy access and how much to invest in riskier options. The best option was the tax free ISA limit of stocks and shares in the riskier category for my age in view of personal circumstances tailored to my needs. Jeremy also helped with ad hoc advice such as how much to invest in personal contributions to company share schemes and the associated risk/gain.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Yes, my stocks and shares ISA is performing well and thankfully started to take Jeremy's advice to invest in monthly instalments rather than lump sum at the start of the tax year when you tend to buy at a higher price so less of a gain throughout the year.

What could they have done better?


Review from verified client

October, 2016





Based in London

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

I felt that my finances needed more guidance and direction,as I was just muddling along with no clear objective.

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

He collated all of my savings etc., then found out my needs and what I wanted to do with my money. He discussed my willingness to take risks with me. He then came back with his suggestions and his reasons for these in simple terms. He then acted upon the outcome of our discussions. Extremely professional service.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Yes, very much so. I feel that I am in safe hands. He seems to care about me in a way that makes me feel that I am more important than I really am.

What could they have done better?

There is always room for improvement but I am very satisfied.

Review from verified client

October, 2016





Based in Middlesex

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Over 50 years old, in a good position financially but needing some better structure.

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

Pension, general financial planning and some life balance.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?


What could they have done better?

Jeremy has it right with me. I am busy running a business and just need a summary, not the detail. Nice and clear, in tune with my requirements.

First impression from a user who is not yet a client

October, 2016


Please provide a brief comment about your experience with Jeremy

Very thorough professional detailed financial plan explained in depth

Review from verified client

October, 2016





Based in London

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

When I reached retirement age, I had no idea what to do with the various pension pots that i had, especially with the new rules brought in by the goverment.

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

Jeremy listened to my needs and concerns, and advised me on the options available to me, helping me to reach a decision despite the complications. Jeremy has given me advice that I trust.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Jeremy helped me to reach what I feel are the right decisions on what to do with my pension, and how to invest. I feel now that my financial future is secure,.

What could they have done better?

I have had such bad experiences with financial advisers in the past that dealing with Jeremy was a refreshing change. I cannot at the moment think of anything that he could have done better.

Review from verified client

October, 2016





Based in Herefordshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Not having the time and also not knowing of the best available options on the market.

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

By taking the time to explain all the options available in lay man's terms.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Yes and Jeremy updates frequently as changes occur.

What could they have done better?

In my opinion Jeremy is very professional in his field of expertise

Review from verified client

September, 2016





Based in

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

I was approaching Retirement Age and the changes in legislation with regard to final salary schemes interested me.

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

Jeremy helped me by taking the time to understand what my goals and objectives were. He then helped me to understand all of the options and make sense of the possible outcomes. He was able to plan things and gave me the confidence I needed to make decisions.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Jeremy's knowledge of the industry is first class and because of this I am happy with the pension arrangements that have been made. I have changed my life style for the better and do not have the financial worries that I had before.

What could they have done better?

In my opinion Jeremy could not have improved his service. Response times were quick, communications are open and the team behind him are dedicated.

Review from verified client

July, 2016





Based in Cambridgeshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Was needing a more personal service than was being provided by a high street bank.

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

Jeremy thoroughly researched my circumstances and set up some long term investments in line with my needs.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Due to the current financial climate it has been difficult, however in comparison to the markets and general negativity, they have performed very well. The service in particular given by Jeremy and his team is excellent, with particular thanks to Sarah in the office as well.

What could they have done better?

At this point I couldn't think of anything.

Review from verified client

February, 2016





Based in Berkshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

My business partner and I had not reviewed our existing pension plans for sometime and Jeremy was recommended by a good friend.

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

Jeremy patiently listened and reviewed our current provisions, needs and wants. He clearly and calmly explained the status of our pensions and the options and opportunities to us. Following his advice we appointed Jeremy to organise and manage our SIPPs.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Early days but we are confident that we have the right person advising us. Regular updates and correspondence provide us with the level of information and service that makes us feel confident that we are in good hands. I look forward to a long and fruitful working relationship.

What could they have done better?

Time will obviously tell but I feel we are off to a good beginning.

Review from verified client

February, 2016





Based in Essex

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

To confirm whether an opportunity to take early retirement was viable.

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

Advised on position relative to my pension pot values.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?


What could they have done better?

Nothing at this point - very happy with the service.

Review from verified client

February, 2016





Based in Hertfordshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Pension review.

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

Jeremy reviewed my personal pension and although not clear cut, I felt Jeremy would do a better job managing my pension than leaving it where it was.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Much too early to say, I'm still years off from retiring.

What could they have done better?

Nothing really springs to mind.

Review from verified client

January, 2016





Based in Buckinghamshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

We'd been talking about it for sometime and felt we did not have the skills or experience to be sure that we were making the best of the options available.

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

Jeremy ensured we understood our current financial position, which thankfully was better than we expected, and encouraged us to state our dream outcomes to see if things could be structured to make that possible.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

We are very happy with the recommendations and service we have received so far. We have completely re-thought our future plans as a result of the options that have been explained to us. The products and services suggested seem well suited to our needs and we expect them to deliver against our plans. Our new pension arrangements will allow us to enjoy a better standard of living during the early years of retirement when hopefully we still have the good health to enjoy them.

What could they have done better?

Nothing really., I was fortunate to have already known Jeremy, and his work, in a professional capacity for the last five years and had built a very good opinion of the work that he does.

Review from verified client

December, 2015





Based in Middlesex

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

We were needing pension and investment advice. I was faced with the option of retaining my final salary scheme or opting out.

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

Jeremy helped us to understand and stress test options. We were able to make a decision on the basis of the scenarios and the forecasts that Jeremy put together. Jeremy helped us to think things through and also he was very open to challenge and clarification, in depth, of his suggestions.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

It is too early to say if the outcome will be an unqualified success. Certainly the early stages of our relationship have fully met our expectations. We are in this for the long-term and we hope that a 5 star rating is the outcome - for now it's at 4 - very good so far.

What could they have done better?

Not obvious - Jeremy has provided a very good service.

Review from verified client

December, 2015





Based in Essex

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Having decided to retire I needed an IFA to guide me through the new pension rules. I reviewed the vouchedfor website for IFA's in my area.

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

Jeremy had an initial meeting with me to outline his services and what I meet need. After agreeing to appoint Jeremy there has been several meeting in order to set out my pension needs and savings over the coming few years.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Early days but so far I have pleased with his plans which is being put in place over a number of months.

What could they have done better?

Cannot think of anything at the present time.

Review from verified client

December, 2015





Based in Essex

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

I was retiring and needed pension advice.

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

He told me what would be best for me in my particular circumstances and set up a pension draw down in my case.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

I have only been using him for 5/6 months, so some outcomes are not yet realised, so so are so good .

What could they have done better?

I need to see how matters turn out over time before I can answer that question.

Review from verified client

December, 2015





Based in London

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?


How has Jeremy Askew helped you?


Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?


What could they have done better?


Review from verified client

October, 2015





Based in Hertfordshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Pension Review.

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

After reviewing my pension, Jeremy gave me clear advice on my current situation and an alternative plan to achieving my pension goals.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

My pension is now managed by Jeremy. Early days regarding performance. Top marks to Jeremy and Sarah for advice and service.

What could they have done better?

Nothing comes to mind.

Review from verified client

September, 2015





Based in London

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Retirement and the need for Pension investment advice.

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

He recommended an Investment Trust and arranged for the transfer of funds from my private pension pots.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

It is early days yet (Sept 2015). Investment is a long term exercise and the world stock markets have had a rough time lately. Only time will tell.

What could they have done better?

Jeremy was thorough and patiently explained his recommendations clearly but he seemed ambivalent about the choice of Income Drawdown or Annuity. However he enthusiastically embraced my request for Income Drawdown.

First impression from a user who is not yet a client

July, 2015


Please provide a brief comment about your experience with Jeremy

The initial meeting with Jeremy was informative and productive,We are looking forward to developments.

First impression from a user who is not yet a client

June, 2015


Please provide a brief comment about your experience with Jeremy

Jeremy was very quick to respond to my request for advice. He took the time to read legal documents sent to him so that he could get a clear picture of my position and therefore was able to give valuable suggestions to ways forward.

Review from verified client

June, 2015





Based in Somerset

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Wanting to transfer my pension into s sip and have access to good quality investment funds that match my needs and attitude to risk.

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

By researching the market and recommending the most appropriate provider. By listening to my investment requirements and educating me about only taking the level of risk I need to achieve my objectives as opposed to the level of risk I was prepared to take.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

My pension has been transferred and I am very happy with the outcome and the current performance.

Review from verified client

June, 2015





Based in Conwy

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

I knew in 2013 I would be retiring in May 2015 therefore I would require financial assistance regarding the various pension pots I had accumulated over the years.

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

With my permission, Jeremy wrote and gathered information from the various pension fund managers then recommended: a) Fund A. I should take the annuity because there was a GAR b) Funds B C & D. Transfer all three to a new pension fund manager where we can control and monitor investments. c) Fund E. To opt for the maximum pension (with minimal tax-free lump sum) as the pension is index-linked.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

I have only recently retired therefore it is too early to judge on the new fund manager investment but I hope to see gains over the coming months.

What could they have done better?

A difficult question as Jeremy has proved invaluable. Perhaps in explaining in advance who the new pension fund manager would be and how it would work.

Review from verified client

June, 2015





Based in Essex

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Close to retirement

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

Jeremy gave me clear concise advice and understood all my issues regarding my retirement choices

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Situation is ongoing but my pension will now be managed by Jeremy

Review from verified client

May, 2015





Based in Middlesex

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

I found Jeremy very easy to talk too and he spoke to me in a financial language I could understand. I found Sara very helpful with no question too trival and she always returned emails promtly. I would not hesitate to recommend Jeremy. I'm hoping the knowledge Jeremy has shown will improve my financial position for when I retire.

Review from verified client

May, 2015





Based in Middlesex

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

Jeremy is very friendly, very approachable and the service he provides is second to none. He totally understands our attitude to risk and what we hope to achieve with our investments. Jeremy has given us excellent advice, whilst having the patience to explain complex financial options in simple language, checking our understanding every step of the way. Jeremy is prompt, provides regular updates and responds quickly to phone calls/emails. No question we ask is too trivial. His financial planning has left us with a feeling of security, trust and confidence for our future. We are more than happy to recommend Jeremy to our family and friends.

What could they have done better?

Nothing - when you meet Jeremy you will understand why.

Review from verified client

April, 2015





Based in Hertfordshire

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

Jeremy recently advised me and undertook a pension transfer for me. Throughout the process he was patient, very knowledgeable and nothing was too much trouble for him. All calls were answered promptly and fully. He always acts in your best interest and " will go the extra mile for you" as will his assistant Sarah.

What could they have done better?


Review from verified client

April, 2015





Based in Essex

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

Jeremy is a very professional financial adviser with a fast uptake of the personal situation. His professional analysis and understanding of the personal goals and risk attitude were impeccable. Within a very short time the transfer of the old pension into a new vehicle was completed with the assistance of the very friendly and efficient back office staff. I am more than happy to recommend Jeremy for all your financial advice tasks.

What could they have done better?

To be honest I have no suggestions, Jeremy is a very competent financial adviser.

Review from verified client

March, 2015





Based in Middlesex

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

I've started a pension through Jeremy and was pleased with the initial advice and found him very easy to work with. Since that initial contact I've added an ISA through Jeremy and continue to find him approachable and knowledgeable.

Review from verified client

March, 2015





Based in London

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

Jeremy was extremely professional and courteous from our first meeting. He listened to everything I said, understood my needs and gave me excellent advice. The journey was not completely straight forward due to factors outside of our control, but Jeremy remained confident and took control when needed, meaning that much of the stress of the situation was reduced. I felt completely safe and confident putting my affairs in his hands. I highly recommend his services.

What could they have done better?

I genuinely couldn't find any area of his work he could have done better.

First impression from a user who is not yet a client

February, 2015


Please provide a brief comment about your experience with Jeremy

First impression from a user who is not yet a client

February, 2015


Please provide a brief comment about your experience with Jeremy

First impression from a user who is not yet a client

February, 2015


Please provide a brief comment about your experience with Jeremy

I have not had him do anything as yet, but I may do. This is too early to tell really. I am waiting for him to reply to set up a second meeting with him. Regards Janis

Review from verified client

January, 2015





Based in East Sussex

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

Jeremy is clearly an expert in his field and has a depth and breadth of knowledge of the financial services and tax spheres that is impressive. Despite his evident knowledge and experience, he is in no way arrogant or condescending. He comes across as pleasant, patient and happy to explain things more than once to those of us for whom financial planning had hitherto consisted of remebreing to visit the ATM. Over the months Jeremy has been working with me, I have come to trust, respect and like him in equal measure. I would have no hesitation in recommending him to anyone looking for financial advice.

What could they have done better?

I tend to think 'visually' and hence tend to grasp concepts better through pictures (more modernly called 'infographics'). Some of the concepts involved are necessarily complex, so a few more pics (diagrams) could be helpful.

First impression from a user who is not yet a client

January, 2015


Please provide a brief comment about your experience with Jeremy

Professional clear & concise advice

Review from verified client

January, 2015





Based in London

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

Jeremy Askew is a fine fellow; he is good natured and keen to come alongside a person who might be anxious about many things relating to financial planning, future forecasting, cutting of cloth to suit, etc. I needed his advice in relation to drawdown and future investing from a modest pension pot. He came several times to the house, was unstinting in his patience (with someone like me) and very thorough indeed in the leaving of no stone unturned in order to ensure that I had understood my options - and when it came to signing up to something, the giving of a full and rounded explanation while, at the same time, allowing me time to consider for myself which way to go. I feel very safe and comfortable with Jeremy as my advisor and my understanding is that his knowledge and expertise comes from a solid base of experience in the industry.

What could they have done better?

You will need to ask me this question some way down the line, as my relationship with Jeremy is not sufficiently long-standing to enable a creative/useful response. He is an enthusiast, I can tell you that, and will think outside of the box and well as being planted firmly within it.

Review from verified client

January, 2015





Based in Hertfordshire

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

Jeremy took the time to explain pensions and thier aims in great detail, every question i had was answered sympahetically and in detail and at no stage was i made to feel stupid no matter how basic my query would have seemed to him.He was always on time for appointments and replied to any communication promptly i would also like to point out that his staff were always professional and helpful.The service and information was first class.

What could they have done better?

Seriously i don't think Jeremy could have done anything better.

Review from verified client

December, 2014





Based in London

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

My daughter and I, Attorneys for my mother-in-law E aged 95 who has lost mental capacity and who moved to a care home a year ago, consulted Jeremy earlier this year first to discuss options for dealing with E's house (which we subsequently decided to sell) and second for advice on how to invest the sale proceeds plus E's other money. After several meetings with Jeremy in my home, we decided to engage Jeremy as our Financial Adviser and his recommendations have only within the last week been implemented. I would like to give Jeremy 5 stars for all above categories but obviously it is too soon to know how good his advice has been. He certainly gets 5 stars for his patience, his understanding of our difficulties in trying to make the best decisions for E, his willingness to answer queries by phone and email, the speed with which he responds to all contacts and for being professional and personable. He gave us many hours of his time and only charged for his advice when we agreed to him writing a report.

Review from verified client

November, 2014





Based in London

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

Jeremy listens well and was able to understand my level of experience and tailor his advice to my needs. This instilled confidence. He set out clearly the available options and helped me to understand and assess what was appropriate for my circumstances and approach to risk. He was responsive to all my questions, provided full information about the products he recommended and acted promptly on my instruction. His pricing structure was set out clearly and I trust that the costs will be far outweighed by the benefits. As a new investor I have yet to see the success of his recommended products but look forward to discussing this at the first review.

First impression from a user who is not yet a client

November, 2014


Please provide a brief comment about your experience with Jeremy

Very knowledgable and helped get me off started on my pension and financial plans. A breeze to arrange a meeting with and quick to communicate after initial contact. I'll be using him again in the future no doubt.

First impression from a user who is not yet a client

November, 2014


Please provide a brief comment about your experience with Jeremy

A true professional and independent Consultant which is providing us with the information and advice we require. Would highly recommend him to anyone seeking Pension and Financial advice.

Review from verified client

November, 2014





Based in London

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

Jeremy was extremely helpful and gave me very clear, straightforward advice delivered in a friendly way.

First impression from a user who is not yet a client

November, 2014


Please provide a brief comment about your experience with Jeremy

Excellent initial telephone consultation. Very detailed and structured financial planning advice with lots of great tips for savings and investments. Would defiantly reccomend. Friendly and helpful with no fee for the first chat and no pressure to agree t

First impression from a user who is not yet a client

October, 2014


Please provide a brief comment about your experience with Jeremy

We had every confidence that our circumstances and requirements were understood, his approach was very accomodating and reassuring.

Review from verified client

October, 2014





Based in Essex

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

Jeremy totally understands my goals, situation & risk attitude.

What could they have done better?

I am extremely happy with the way Jeremy conducts his professional service.

Review from verified client

October, 2014





Based in Middlesex

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

Listens well to my needs

What could they have done better?

Find better insurance offerings

Review from verified client

October, 2014





Based in London

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

When I divorced and pensions had to be transferred Jeremy took care of all of that and at the same time, he advised me on how to invest the money in a for me appropriate way. The service could not have been better.

Review from verified client

October, 2014





Based in London

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

Jeremy took the time to understand my situation regarding my pension and advised me accordingly. He is knowledgeable and this gave me confidence that he was providing me with the best advice etc.

What could they have done better?

Not sure there is anything at the moment.

Review from verified client

October, 2014





Based in Hertfordshire

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

Regular, personable & efficient contact from day 1. Good response to client questions and offers of help in case of difficulty with letters and forms etc: Understandable and clearly laid out plan of action .

Review from verified client

October, 2014





Based in Kent

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

approaching retirement age and not looking forward to dealing with all the issues of pensions and finance. jeremy made the experience an absolute breeze!. great value for money.

Review from verified client

October, 2014





Based in Middlesex

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

Jeremy was extremely helpfui when asked to review my current pension portfolio and gave thoughtful advice and recommendations which gave me peace of mind with my retirement just 5-6 years away. He was prepared to meet me at my own convenience whether at my family home or businees office. His manner and approach seemed first class and i wouldnt hesitate to recommend his services following my experience.

What could they have done better?

In my circumstances the FA fulfilled all my requirements

Review from verified client

October, 2014





Based in Hertfordshire

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

Our advisor went to great lengths to explain in simple terms what options were available, also went through the steps as to what was involved in achieving the best results following on from a completing of a questionnaire to ascertain the levels of risk I was prepared to accept.

What could they have done better?

Our adviser gave a 1st class service and would make recommend to others the professionalism.

Review from verified client

October, 2014





Based in London

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

I believe Jeremy is very knowledgeable, gives me very good impartial advice and is someone I trust.

Review from verified client

October, 2014





Based in London

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

Jeremy guided me through the whole process of transferring my savings into a more suitable and flexible investment vehicle, discussing all the alternatives. subsequently had complications investing a small amount with the service provider, and he and his team were quick off the mark to reassure me, and sort out the issue with the fund providers.

Review from verified client

October, 2014





Based in London

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

Jeremy provided very comprehensive, common sense pension advice. He was very responsive, personable and good value for money .

Review from verified client

October, 2014





Based in London

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

Jeremy was very good at explaining everything to me so that I understood everything. He also made things a lot simpler and generally gave me good advise. He is always quick to respond to any of my emails.

Review from verified client

October, 2014





Based in Middlesex

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

Very thorough in gaining all the relevant information about my finances and matching to the products on offer and was not afraid to say not to change things or to wait as Jeremy was up to date with new products that were about to be released such as the new ISA this year. I did not feel under pressure to change products and the advise to close certain policies had very good reasons for it. Jeremy was willing to meet and not do everything by Skype which suits me better especially for the first meeting.

What could they have done better?

I did feel that my circumstances of planning to move abroad could have been a larger part of the advice such as tax etc but I suppose Jeremy did the right thing if this was not his specialty.

Review from verified client

October, 2014





Based in Middlesex

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

Demonstrated a clear understanding of our financial affairs and helped us to make an accurate assessment of our aims and our attitude to risk. He offered us much valuable advice and showed the various options open to us outlining the pros and cons. At no stage did he attempt to buldoze us into something we were not interested in. He has a pleasant and relaxed manner in dealing with clients but completely professional. He always responds promptly to emails and telephone calls.

What could they have done better?

Nothing to add.

Review from verified client

September, 2014





Based in London

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

Jeremy is a very personable chap who is good at listening to what is required and then suggesting an appropriate solution

Review from verified client

September, 2014





Based in London

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

Jeremy is very clear, easy to understand and very responsive. I always feel he explains my choices fully and also is very upfront about when I will incur any charges. Jeremy is a straight talking person who I feel has great integrity. Having done nothing to sort out my pensions for many years, I now feel they are in excellent hands - wish I'd gone to Jeremy years ago!

What could they have done better?

Nothing that I can think of - I've been very happy to date.

Review from verified client

September, 2014





Based in Middlesex

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

I have never used a financial advisor before but I felt at ease straightaway with Jeremy. He explained things in simply terms and has a lot of patience. I have now retired from work and setting up my pension went through very smoothly. I have no hesitation of recommending Jeremy to others.

What could they have done better?

I really can't think of any negatives.

Review from verified client

September, 2014





Based in Middlesex

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

Thorough understanding of our views and ideas. Explained options for our future financial plans in a way that was easy to understand. Was prepared to produce graphs or tables to help the explanations.

Review from verified client

September, 2014





Based in Middlesex

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

Financial advisers like Jeremy Askew are hard to find, he is the most helpful and understanding FIA , he goes the extra mile to get what's best for you and nothing is too much trouble as our situation was not the most easiest of cases. Jeremy will explain things in a way that you can understand and is a very nice man to do business with. I would highly recommend Jeremy and he is on speed dial on my phone for future financial needs.

Review from verified client

September, 2014





Based in London

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

Jeremy takes the time to explain the different investment options in plain English, he is honest with his advice and seems to have a wealth of knowledge. Being pensioners who have been given somewhat dubious advice from other IFA's in the past he has freely given us the best of his knowledge to try and recover some of our losses. He or someone in his office are always contactable.

What could they have done better?

Give us a winning lottery number!

Review from verified client

September, 2014





Based in Middlesex

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

We were very pleased to have Jeremy Askew come and talk us through lots of different aspects of our financial future. He instilled confidence and impressed us with his manner and understanding of different issues.

What could they have done better?

So far we have been very pleased with the help and support provided and cannot think of any constructive ideas.

Review from verified client

September, 2014





Based in Middlesex

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

Very helpful, kept us informed all during the process...

First impression from a user who is not yet a client

September, 2014


Please provide a brief comment about your experience with Jeremy

jeremy was polite and helpful

First impression from a user who is not yet a client

September, 2014


Please provide a brief comment about your experience with Jeremy

First impression from a user who is not yet a client

September, 2014


Please provide a brief comment about your experience with Jeremy

Service and contact were good

First impression from a user who is not yet a client

August, 2014


Please provide a brief comment about your experience with Jeremy

Gave a clear breakdown of options, I'm probably a little low income for his services.

First impression from a user who is not yet a client

August, 2014


Please provide a brief comment about your experience with Jeremy

Very easy to chat to. Was so nice simply to be able to talk to someone for some clarity.

Review from verified client

August, 2014





Based in London

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

I operate in very niche spheres. This often means bespoke or out-of-the-box services and I couldn't have asked for better than the product/s Jeremy ran through with me, and which I now use. He and his team are personable, responsive and have fantastic connections.

What could they have done better?

Will let you know when I find out!

First impression from a user who is not yet a client

August, 2014


Please provide a brief comment about your experience with Jeremy

Review from verified client

August, 2014





Based in London

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

He is very clear, obviously well informed. He understood our needs and didn;t try to compliacte things more than necessary nor waste time.

What could they have done better?

Our needs were so specific and were met that I have no suggestion.

First impression from a user who is not yet a client

August, 2014


Please provide a brief comment about your experience with Jeremy

Jeremy came across as very professional. He advised me to get various bits of information together and we would have a telephone consultation initially. I'm still waiting for pension quotes to arrive so have not yet been in touch.

Review from verified client

July, 2014





Based in Surrey

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

Personable, high integrity, and expert advise.

Review from verified client

July, 2014





Based in London

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

Keeps you up to date

What could they have done better?


Review from verified client

July, 2014





Based in Kent

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

keeps in touch on a regular basis and explains finacial/investment information well. Very easy to speak to, very personable.

Review from verified client

July, 2014





Based in Avon

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

I have been very pleased with the service I have been provided by Jeremy Askew. Calls and e-mails are always answered promptly and I feel confident that I have been given the best advice possible.

Review from verified client

July, 2014





Based in London

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

First impression from a user who is not yet a client

July, 2014


Please provide a brief comment about your experience with Jeremy

We were keen to find some good financial advice, so we met with 3 different 'vouched for' 5 star rated advisers to compare service. Jeremy was the out and out obvious choice. Despite having jet lag, landing just the night before from the other side of the

Review from verified client

July, 2014





Based in Middlesex

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

I had a lot of separate pensions through previous companies I worked for and a personal pension. I had no idea what my total pension pot was and funds that I had frozen were dwindling because of charges. Now I know the value of my pension fund on a daily basis and Jeremy reviews how the money is invested by looking at my attitude to risk at our annual review.

Review from verified client

June, 2014





Based in Norfolk

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

Clear concise communication. Friendly and engaging.

Review from verified client

June, 2014





Based in London

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

He explains things quite clearly

Review from verified client

June, 2014





Based in London

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

Very prompt in arranging to visit me. Clearly explained all options. Answered queries promptly and forwarded information quickly.

What could they have done better?

No suggestgions

Review from verified client

June, 2014





Based in Kent

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

as i approached retirement age dealing with private and state pensions seemed to be a daunting and chaotic experience. after seeking the advice of jeremy askew he made the process of claiming the pensions an absolute breeze!, his advice and help was first class,

Review from verified client

June, 2014





Based in Middlesex

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

Due to my total lack of knowledge with regards to financial issues, it was very important that my adviser first of all knew this, and was prepared for this, and secondly was, prepared to talk me through at a pace I could understand. Both of the issues were dealt with superbly, and I could not wish for anything better, and now feel very confident in the future.

What could they have done better?

I couldn't ask for anything more.

Review from verified client

June, 2014





Based in Essex

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

Jeremy explained everything well and gave me sound advice on my finances.

Review from verified client

June, 2014





Based in London

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

Jeremy was very helpful in advising me regarding various Insurance Policies I needed to review. He wasn't pushy, and only had my best interests at heart. I also sought Pension advice, on Pension schemes from previous employers, and again he advised in line with my best interests.

What could they have done better?

An update on outstanding issues.

Review from verified client

June, 2014





Based in Middlesex

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

Jeremy is in regular contact with us and is always prepared to offer advice be it impartial or partial. We are regularly updated with literature concerning our pensions and related policies. All in he is very approachable and most of all, very genuine and has our best interest at heart.

What could they have done better?

Nothing, just keep up with the high benchmark he has already set.

Review from verified client

June, 2014





Based in Middlesex

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

Jeremy is very nice person to do business with and he is always courteous and helpful. Unlike others he is easy to contact and replies to any queries efficiently and promptly.

What could they have done better?

Whatever Jeremy does he does it very well and always lives up to the expectations.

Review from verified client

June, 2014





Based in London

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

Jeremy is very personable and therefore, extremely easy to talk to. He doesn't talk technical jargon; he puts everything in to layman's terms. Jeremy really listens to what you are saying and is considered in his reponse. He is always clear about timeframes so you know exactly what to expect next and when. Jeremy acts with complete integrity and I wouldn't hesitate for a moment to recommend him to others.

Review from verified client

June, 2014





Based in Middlesex

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

Good review of clients situation, good communicator, and choices are well explained in a professional and friendly way.

What could they have done better?


Review from verified client

May, 2014





Based in London

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

I have taken advice from Jeremy for over 15 years now. I have had conversations with other IFA's through colleagues at work but found them not to be as approachable or knowledge on some matters. He has a good breadth of understanding on both the current financial climate as well as the needs of the individual.

What could they have done better?

Nothing really, the reason I use him is because he is good at his job and does self develop.

Review from verified client

May, 2014





Based in Cambridgeshire

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

I find Jeremy both polite and knowledgeable in all aspects of financial matters particularly pensions in my case,being constructive towards helping me achieve my goals whilst being totally impartial at the same time as an independent adviser should.

Review from verified client

May, 2014





Based in Middlesex

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

Jeremy took the time to review my circumstances carefully and asked a number of key questions that other advisors never asked me but turned out to be really important. He looked carefully before finding me the best solution for what I wanted to achieve.

Review from verified client

May, 2014





Based in Berkshire

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

Very professional and friendly. Based on personal financial circumstances all the details were analysed and a comprehensive report produced reassuring us with the facts in order to reach our decision. We were not put under any pressure and were given every opportunity to ask questions. Also provided excellent follow up support.

What could they have done better?

Presentation of overall services offered right at the beginning would benefit the client.

Review from verified client

May, 2014





Based in Somerset

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

I have known Jeremy for some time and last year took the decision to entrust him with my investments. I have to say the service I have received has been first rate. Everything has been explained in plain and simple language and I have confidence that the recommendations I have received have been tailored to my personal circumstances which has not always been my expoerience with other advisers in the past. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend Jeremy to anybody.

Review from verified client

May, 2014





Based in Surrey

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

Jeremy is a human being in a financial world of confusion and angst. He manages to get to know his clients in a real world way before then advising on what might be best for them. There is no recorded formula rolled out each time, just a fair, honest and insightful understanding. He then follows up this understanding with a impressive knowledge of products, services and approaches and having had a relationship with him for 10+ years, there is no doubt that his knowledge is always bang up to date if not future thinking.

What could they have done better?

I can't think of anything.

Review from verified client

May, 2014





Based in London

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

Jeremy is highly personable and I am always impressed by his common sense approach to financial services. He speaks in layman's terms and explains what the implications are of going down a particular route based on your financial circumstances. I have been using Jeremy's services for a number of years now and he has always guided me through my options in a sensible, down to earth way. I recommend him highly.

What could they have done better?

I can't think of anything in particular as he has always been very good.

Review from verified client

May, 2014





Based in Pembrokeshire

How has Jeremy Askew helped you?

I have known Jeremy for over 20 years and he has been giving me sound financial advice over the years. With such a long term commitment I believe he is always thinking about my life stage (it has changed) and the most appropriate investment advice at the time. I believe he reads my financial situation very well and often initiates very good pieces of advice when legislation has changed such as the recent changes to pensions. I have only positive comments on Jeremy.

What could they have done better?
