Reviewed for

Insurance and Protection ( 4 )

Mortgages ( 9 )

Pensions ( 28 )

Equity Release ( 2 )

Retirement income (annuities, drawdown) ( 17 )

Investments and Savings ( 26 )

Pension Transfers - Non Specialist ( 7 )

Inheritance Planning ( 13 )

Long Term Care ( 3 )

Pension Transfers - Specialist ( 8 )

Financial Planning ( 6 )

Financial Mentoring ( 1 )

Financial Coaching ( 2 )

Reviewers' assets

£500k+ ( 5 )

£200k - £500k ( 9 )

£100k - £200k ( 2 )

£50k - 100k ( 2 )

Up to £50k ( 4 )

Client reviews

Review from verified client

June, 2024





Based in Cheshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Planning for retirement

How has Leighton Parkes helped you?

Helpful advice. Listening to our concerns & he did not try to push us into any particular products

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?


Review from verified client

June, 2024





Based in Worcestershire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

I have been with PK for 20 years plus. Leighton was a natural follow on from the great service I have always experienced.

How has Leighton Parkes helped you?

Mainly retirement planning, but inheritance advice as well.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Oh yes, his directions have proved wise.

What could they have done better?

Nothing comes to mind.

Review from verified client

June, 2024





Based in Worcestershire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Balancing my need for an income now from my pension with ensure sufficient left in the pot for the rest of my life. Ensuring my pension is invested in a way that matches my risk criteria.

How has Leighton Parkes helped you?

Leighton has clearly listened to my needs and put forward proposals that reflect my needs and explained why he has made those proposals

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

As with anything to do with pensions it takes a while between implementation of plan and realising the benefits from that plan, but I am pleased to say I am now seeing the benfits.

What could they have done better?

Nothing. He has done more than enough.

Review from verified client

May, 2024





Based in West Midlands

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Starting a private pension 25 years ago

How has Leighton Parkes helped you?

Leighton is very knowledgable and gives well thought out professional advice.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

I retired last year with my pensions and finanaces looking comfortable.

What could they have done better?

I'm happy with the advice I've received over many years

Review from verified client

April, 2024





Based in Worcestershire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

I have used Prosser Knowles for 20 years to advise on mortgages, investments and pensions and Leighton has been my main contact for over 10 years.

How has Leighton Parkes helped you?

Leighton has reviewed my financial situation and provided easy to understand advice in a professional and friendly manner.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

My retirement plan is on track which has been possible due to the advice provided by Leighton.

What could they have done better?

Don’t believe there is anything that could have been done better…

Review from verified client

April, 2024





Based in Shropshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

We were looking for someone to advise on management of our financial affairs.

How has Leighton Parkes helped you?

As our circumstances have changed, Leighton has advised us appropriately.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?


Review from verified client

April, 2024





Based in West Midlands

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

My husband and I were recommended to Leighton Parkes for his financial planning etc from more than one friend. Unfortunately my husband passed away and Leighton has been invaluable to me for his advice and help with my money.

How has Leighton Parkes helped you?

Leighton has given his advice in a professional way and also given me confidence in my investments. Leighton is very approachable and helps with any queries.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

I am delighted with Leighton’s approach and I have transferred, from my previous financial advisers, my account etc.

Review from verified client

March, 2024





Based in Worcestershire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Pension transfer from old company.

How has Leighton Parkes helped you?

sorted out our finances.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?


Review from verified client

March, 2024





Based in West Midlands

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

I’ve been with Leighton many many years I can’t remember what led me to Leighton but I know I wouldn’t have stayed had I not been completely satisfied with his advice

How has Leighton Parkes helped you?

Over the years the biggest thing he’s helped me with is obtaining the growth on my pension that I needed (and more ) in order to retire at 60. He was always conscious of my cautious approach to my savings so always made sure my risk level was at the point it needed to be without causing me anxiety.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

100. %

What could they have done better?

I’m completely happy with all that has been and is still being done to enhance my pension pot

Review from verified client

March, 2024





Based in Worcestershire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

When we initially made contact with Leighton many years ago, we were looking to re-mortgage which was the original reason for contacting him. Additionally, we had some financial concerns that we also needed to seek advice.

How has Leighton Parkes helped you?

Over the years, Leighton has provided advice and products to us that have allowed us to sustain an even keel in respect of our financial management and has put us essentially into a much better financial position due to his advice. At one point, we were struggling considerably and Leighton was able to completely alleviate that explaining financial status as was and consolidating some little used savings and offsetting any debts which got us out of a difficult situation and put us back into a much more comfortable position. Furthermore his advise has been second and none in respect of mortgages and mortgage in products over the years which currently sees us in a fixed product paying somewhere in the region of 3% lower than the base rate is currently due to his excellent financial advice.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

I think we've received more than the advice of the outcome that we were looking for at the time, because we got more than we bargain for we were actually after advice and guidance, but we got was advice guidance, Support and products that helped us considerably. So I think from the first moment we met Leighton, we we didn't really have any expectations in respect of what the outcome may be, so it is fair to say that he exceeded those expectations.

What could they have done better?

Nothing, Leighton has been there for us now, for many years, and often takes short or slightly longer calls from us, and provides excellent advice to us, and I would know and have for sometime considered Leighton as a good friend and a trusted advisor.

Review from verified client

December, 2021





Based in West Midlands

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Increasing age and finding internet usage more complicated. Small amount of inheritance money to find suitable investment .

How has Leighton Parkes helped you?

Gave comprehensive advice . Carefully explained how the advice was chosen re stocks and shares . Listened to what I wanted. He was courteous, came on time , answered queries , emails promptly and very pleasant manner.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Yes . Leighton has organised a trust fund for my grandchildren and invested in ethical stocks and shares.

What could they have done better?

Can’t think of anything .

Review from verified client

December, 2021





Based in Worcestershire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Taking early retirement after Corvid led me to opt for voluntary redundancy. Also dealing with the unexpected death of my husband.

How has Leighton Parkes helped you?

Understanding our needs and helping to guide us to achieve the lifestyle that we wanted. Also just giving me confidence in my financial planning.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Yes, I am confident with the financial position that I am in with Leighton's help and advice.

What could they have done better?

I can't think of anything else that I would need. Leighton has really helped at this difficult time.

Review from verified client

December, 2021





Based in Shropshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

I inherited Leighton from Prosser Knowles, who have helped me with my financial planning for many years.

How has Leighton Parkes helped you?

He helps with my investments.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

I have had a steady income for many years from the investments.

What could they have done better?

I believe that Leighton has done the best he could do given my requirements.

Review from verified client

April, 2021





Based in Worcestershire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

When I was in charge of a road transport company I needed help and advice for myself and the employees concerning pensions and investments. Hence Prosser Knowles was contacted and for many years they provided a good service.

How has Leighton Parkes helped you?

Soon after retirement of myself and my wife Simone Leighton Parkes was allocated to us and we have had annual meetings since, about 10 years or so I would guess. The system was developed where I kept and updated a spread-sheet showing our various sources of income. From that information Leighton suggested where to make any changes, always ethically based as per our wishes.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Yes, we very much feel we were given the right advice at the right time. When I waited too long selling some of my AMP shares, which Leighton had recommended selling, I lost a few thousand pounds....

What could they have done better?

Not really sure. In investment one can always do better in hindsight.

Review from verified client

January, 2021





Based in Worcestershire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Common sense

How has Leighton Parkes helped you?

I have dealt with Leighton Parks over the last ten yours or so and in that time have appreciated the fact that he has taken the trouble to build up a full understanding of my pension needs. As a result I have a pension that has served me well and has achieved better than my expectations. His professionalism and promptness to respond are a credit to his company.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Its getting there

Review from verified client

January, 2021





Based in Worcestershire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

I have got to the age when I need to think about and plan for retirement.

How has Leighton Parkes helped you?

A friend recommended Leighton Parkes to me and I am glad he did. Leighton is highly knowledgeable and professional. He is very understanding and has given me good financial advice. Highly recommended.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Most definitely.

What could they have done better?

Nothing comes to mind.

Review from verified client

January, 2021





Based in Worcestershire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Looking for pensions/investment advice on retirement

How has Leighton Parkes helped you?

Help with the above

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?


Review from verified client

November, 2020





Based in Worcestershire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

I needed advice regarding my pension provision

How has Leighton Parkes helped you?

Leighton reviewed my existing pensions and advised regarding consolidation and how to maximise the pension benefits. He has dealt with any drawdown requirements efficiently and always on time.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?


What could they have done better?


Review from verified client

November, 2020





Based in Worcestershire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Needing to plan for retirement and brought forward due to Covid circumstances and early retirement after voluntary redundancy.

How has Leighton Parkes helped you?

Taking me through the process and advising of how to get to the income that we were looking for

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Early days yet and looking to start January 2021

What could they have done better?

Leighton helped with simplifying the process and understanding where we wanted to be

Review from verified client

October, 2020





Based in Wiltshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Initially i needed advice on my personal pension plan to obtain the best outcome for my retirement.

How has Leighton Parkes helped you?

Leighton investigated the market for the pension provider offering the best terms that i was happy to join.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

On the whole i am pleased with the outcome although Leighton could not have predicted that the coronavirus outbreak would have a negative effect on my 'pension pot'.

What could they have done better?

Nothing i was happy with his advice.

Leighton's reply

Good afternoon Vince Many thanks for this feedback it is much appreciated. I look forward to catching up soon. Stay safe

Review from verified client

August, 2020





Based in Worcestershire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Investment required for the proceeds of my late son’s estate.

How has Leighton Parkes helped you?

Provided detailed options of suitable investments.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Initially, encouraging, but lost it’s grown due to the pandemic.

What could they have done better?

In this case nothing. Growth loss understandable.

Review from verified client

July, 2020





Based in Worcestershire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

We have used a FA for over 20 years with is company - someone recommended Prosser Knowles when we we looking to buy a house

How has Leighton Parkes helped you?

Leighton helps with mortgages, pensions and any other advice we need - we would be totally lost without his knowledge and support, and we wouldn’t trust anyone else

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Leighton always goes above and beyond and we always get the outcome we are looking for

What could they have done better?

Leighton always gives 110% and we are never disappointed with his work

Review from verified client

July, 2020





Based in Somerset

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Reinvest my pension

How has Leighton Parkes helped you?

His advise was invaluable and he helped us to make the right decision for our investment.He explained everything in detail and took all the worry and stress out of finding the right pension and investment for us.Everything was done smoothly and efficiently.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

yes we are very pleased with outcome it was what we had hoped for.

What could they have done better?

We are very pleased with the service we where given . I

Leighton's reply

Many thanks for your very kind review, we are always here to help and assist, please call whenever you need any financial support.

Review from verified client

July, 2020





Based in Worcestershire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Buying a house

How has Leighton Parkes helped you?

Advised and found us a mortgage deal

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?


Review from verified client

July, 2020





Based in Worcestershire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

First time house purchase and house move

How has Leighton Parkes helped you?

Reviewed several mortgages to find the most suitable option for us, made everything easy to understand throughout.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?


What could they have done better?


Review from verified client

June, 2020





Based in Worcestershire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

I needed advice in respect of my frozen company pensions.

How has Leighton Parkes helped you?

Leighton gave me excellent advice in respect of these pension and how to proceed with them. He always kept in regular contact with me, keeping me up to date with the way the funds were performing and if he advised that changes should be made these changes were always for the better.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Leighton was aware of what I wanted to achieve with part of these pensions i.e. reduce/clear my mortgage and by following his recommendations I was able to get the result I wanted.

What could they have done better?

Nothing as far as I am concerned. I have been extremely fortunate to have Leighton as my financial adviser in the way he has looked after/ monitored my pensions and continues to do so. I would have no hesitation in recommending him to anyone.

Review from verified client

June, 2020





Based in Worcestershire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Mortgages over the past 15 years

How has Leighton Parkes helped you?

Very helpful, easy to deal with, knowledgeable, simple fast communications

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?


Review from verified client

June, 2020





Based in Worcestershire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Wanted to know how to optimise current income and ensure comfortable retirement.

How has Leighton Parkes helped you?

Leighton talked me through a range of options, their respective risks and benefits. He assisted me in setting up an ISA and reviewing its progress since. He reviewed my pension situation and performance, and provided advice on how to reach the financial situation I need for the retirement I am planning.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

I am very satisfied with the advice I have received. These are very challenging economic and social times and that inevitably, has an effect on financial investments. I have confidence that Leighton will tell me my options, honestly and in a way that I can understand and weigh them, and that although the economic climate continues to be difficult, my money is probably in the best place it can be given the circumstances.

What could they have done better?

At this point in time, I cannot think of anything that could have been done better. I am very satisfied with the service I have received.

Review from verified client

June, 2020





Based in Worcestershire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Buying my first property and looking into my pension income for me.

How has Leighton Parkes helped you?

Leighton was really helpful and friendly. He advised me in a simple language that didn't baffle me, like some professional do! He advised me the best route to go and advise on other things I can invest/increase my investing to make the outcome more promising.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Excellent outcome. I would always recommend Leighton with all aspects of financial advising. I have recommended him to a lot of clients and family and friends already. Great services!

What could they have done better?


Review from verified client

June, 2020





Based in West Midlands

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Leighton has dealt with my financial affairs for many Years so when it came to reviewing my pension and getting advice about transferring into a private scheme I had no doubts about consulting Leighton .

How has Leighton Parkes helped you?

He helped unravel all my uncertainties about doing the right thing for me. I was able to fire questions at him and he always came back with a viewpoint from both sides

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Yes. We discussed more than one scenario And the gain that was predicted had been reached however nobody could have predicted how a pandemic would affect The markets how they have. Having said that Leighton has been in contact with me to assure me that he’s keeping a close check on things and if a further interim review of the situation is required he’ll contact me.

What could they have done better?

I’m happy with all aspects of help and advice that has been delivered by Leighton. Always very professional but friendly.

Review from verified client

June, 2020





Based in Gloucestershire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Switched from a previous adviser at a different company on recommendation of my accountant.

How has Leighton Parkes helped you?

Leighton's consistently offered me well-researched & well-reasoned advice for more than a decade. Thru good economic times & bad his has been a calm & utterly trustworthy voice - I've always had 100% faith in him to give my finances his full attention. He always responds quickly to any queries, and our in-person meetings are not only hugely informative & reassuring, but also simply enjoyable. And I never thought I'd say that about financial discussions!

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?


What could they have done better?

Nothing. And I really mean that!

Review from verified client

June, 2020





Based in Worcestershire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Had an existing advisor that set up my SIPP, basically took the money from the commission and never really got in touch there after unless i contacted him. Was reccomended to Leighton by a friend. He keeps regular contact with updates on my protfolio and reponds with help and advice whenever i need it

How has Leighton Parkes helped you?

Pension plan and mortgages

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

always gets me a competitive deal on new mortgages

What could they have done better?

Difficult question! early warning of pending economic crash would have been useful.

Review from verified client

May, 2020





Based in Worcestershire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Long term financial planning.

How has Leighton Parkes helped you?

By giving heat and factual advise.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?


Review from verified client

May, 2020





Based in Worcestershire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

To ensure my finances were looked at correctly and my retirement was smooth.

How has Leighton Parkes helped you?

By advising on areas I would not have looked at reducing our tax position and simplifying our position. Ensuring our retirement goals have been met along the way

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Yes and we have also recommended him and Prosser Knowles to friends and family

What could they have done better?


Review from verified client

May, 2020





Based in Worcestershire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

I wanted advice

How has Leighton Parkes helped you?

Very well

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?


What could they have done better?

not a lot

Review from verified client

May, 2020





Based in Outside UK

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Planning for my retirement which required financial planning.

How has Leighton Parkes helped you?

Leighton was professional and transparent in his discussions. He consistently answers all questions and is knowledgeable on market trends and behaviour. Leighton always responds quickly and a timely fashion and goes the extra mile for us.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

We achieved what we were hoping to and this is an ongoing process and Leighton is always at hand to support us.

Review from verified client

May, 2020





Based in Worcestershire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

I was looking for help in obtaining a buy to let mortgage to release equity in existing mortgages. Being self employed made it problematic.

How has Leighton Parkes helped you?

Leighton was superb, not only did he understand my requirements immediately, he gave me sound advice on the best way to proceed. He cut through the jargon and explained all aspects of the products that I was considering in terms that I could understand. His help led me to ask him for retirement planning. He made my plan realistic and achievable giving me financial confidence in my future.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Without doubt. Everything Leighton advised has enabled me to have a short term and a long term fiscal plan, that no only is achievable but coming to fruition.

What could they have done better?

I have thought long and hard and am unable to come up with any constructive criticism, I received an outstanding level of service.

Review from verified client

May, 2020





Based in Warwickshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Need for retirement planning

How has Leighton Parkes helped you?

By proving sensible advice appropriate to my circumstances

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?


Leighton's reply

Many thanks for the quick response Andrew. Stay safe speak to you soon

Review from verified client

May, 2020





Based in Worcestershire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

I wanted advice on what to do with a personal pension that was no longer being managed by my previous adviser

How has Leighton Parkes helped you?

Leighton explained my options clearly and gave me information on how my pension had performed and the reasons behind that.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Yes - I have a pension that is being managed again and I am happy with the performance even when taking into account the recent crash

Leighton's reply

Dan many thanks for your quick response, great to here positive feedback from a client, you know where i am if you need me. Look forward to our zoom meeting in a few weeks.