Reviewed for

Insurance and Protection ( 10 )

Mortgages ( 1 )

Pensions ( 63 )

Retirement income (annuities, drawdown) ( 44 )

Investments and Savings ( 63 )

Pension Transfers - Non Specialist ( 21 )

Inheritance Planning ( 24 )

Long Term Care ( 6 )

Pension Transfers - Specialist ( 13 )

Financial Planning ( 24 )

Financial Mentoring ( 4 )

Financial Coaching ( 1 )

Reviewers' assets

£500k+ ( 27 )

£200k - £500k ( 22 )

£100k - £200k ( 4 )

£50k - 100k ( 3 )

( 1 )

Up to £50k ( 12 )

Client reviews

Review from verified client

May, 2024





Based in North Yorkshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Pension consolidation and advice

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

Provided information to make appropriate financial decisions

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Working out ok at present considering no one controls the markets.

What could they have done better?

Nothing comes to mind

Deb's reply

Thank you for taking the time to do this Mike, I know you're pushed for time between all your adventures!!! We'll catch up later this year, Deb

Review from verified client

May, 2024





Based in North Yorkshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

My husband took care of our finances as he was an accountant. When he died I did not feel confidant in taking over the role.

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

Debs was so friendly and helpful and I immediately felt that I could trust her. She took time to get to know me and my family and has always been genuinely interested in our lives. I had an initial consultation in which she gave my daughters and myself sound advice about inheritance tax. I am the kind of person who has to take time before making any kind of decision and at no time did she pressure me to use her services. I thought about what I wanted for months and then finally reached out to her again. She took time to assess my family's needs and gave me really good advice. I felt secure in putting my trust in her and she has looked after me every step of the way. She has put my finances in order and put my mind at rest that I have done the right things for my family.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Yes I have.

What could they have done better?

Nothing. I am very happy with the service Debs has provided.

Deb's reply

Thank you so much for taking the time to write this for me, I'm really pleased that you feel this way and I'm glad I've been able to give you some peace of mind. I always look forward to our catch up and finding out what you been up to! Deb

Review from verified client

March, 2024





Based in North Yorkshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

I was looking for an adviser that could pull all my investments together and help advise on the best approach going forward.

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

With the type of investment I was hoping to place and the fact that it was all very new to me ,I found Deb’s incredibly helpful and supportive. She was able to guide me and explain in simple terms, so I understood and felt confident to invest. I know Deb’s is incredibly busy, but she still always finds time to answer my questions, even the stupid ones.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Yes we are now starting to go in the right direction.

What could they have done better?

I am happy with everything Deb’s and the PenLife Team have done.

Deb's reply

Thanks for taking the time to write this Martin, I really appreciate it! Looking forward to hearing about your trip away when I see you next.

Review from verified client

February, 2024





Based in North Yorkshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

I wanted to start drawing down from my pension.

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

Deb has advised and looked after me for many years, she transferred my pension to Penlife a number of years ago.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Absolutely. Great service, regular review meetings, confidence in my adviser.

What could they have done better?


Deb's reply

Thanks Justine it's been a pleasure working with you on all your plans and seeing things come to life over the last few months!

Review from verified client

February, 2024





Based in Lincolnshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

As I was approaching retirement age I realised that I had several different workplace pensions that I needed advice on.

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

Deb arranged a meeting and went through all the various options available to me. I had a mixture of Final Salary Pensions, Defined Benifit and some Money Purchase Pensions.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

After discussing all the options available Deb has put together a retirement plan that meets the needs of not only myself but that of my family.

What could they have done better?

Deb could not have done anything better, we are very happy with the way Penlife have handled everything. All the staff are polite and extremely professional.

Deb's reply

Ian, thank you for taking the time to write this, hopefully Ill see you soon to get this retirement plan in motion!!

Review from verified client

February, 2024





Based in North Yorkshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

I was looking to retire early at age 55

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

Deb helped me carefully consider risks of transfer of pension as well as the options to achieve my retirement goals..this included predicted income over the lifespan

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Yes..I am due to retire in 2 months! I am doing this with confidence with my financial plans ongoing

What could they have done better?


Deb's reply

Thanks for taking the time to do this Sue, I think I'm almost as excited as you are for your retirement and I'm just happy we could make it happen as it has, it's all just fallen into place with a little bit of help. Looking forward to hear what you've been up to, Deb

Review from verified client

January, 2024





Based in North Yorkshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Receiving an inheritance

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

Investing the money so we were able to retire early

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

The investment was slow at first but is now showing great progress

What could they have done better?

Nothing. Everything was handled well.

Deb's reply

Thanks Julie, I'll see you for a catch up later this year, I heard about your lovely holiday, have a great time!

First impression from a user who is not yet a client

January, 2024


Please provide a brief comment about your experience with Deb

Deb was very helpful, and found the right advice for my unique situation

First impression from a user who is not yet a client

January, 2024


Please provide a brief comment about your experience with Deb

Very prompt response. Listened to my query and provided very useful advice

First impression from a user who is not yet a client

January, 2024


Please provide a brief comment about your experience with Deb

Very easy to talk to - happy to explain the queries I have - intending to chat with her again after consulting my immediate family

First impression from a user who is not yet a client

January, 2024


Please provide a brief comment about your experience with Deb

I received an immediate response from her explaining she was at a conference and would call me on her return. I hence emailed a number of queries to her that she responded to within 24 hours. A very good experience

First impression from a user who is not yet a client

January, 2024


Please provide a brief comment about your experience with Deb

Very polite and helpful person. Knowledgable and provided what I hope will be excellent advice regarding property and financal matters. Thankyou

First impression from a user who is not yet a client

January, 2024


Please provide a brief comment about your experience with Deb

Deb was very flexible in arranging our appointment and provided me with a clear overview of my options, introducing some options that I was not aware of for consideration in our estate planning. I shall organise a follow up session.

Review from verified client

November, 2023





Based in East Riding

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

When we were selling our business and retiring especially on the Inheritance Planning having no direct blood relatives

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

On Retirement Income we have had a few ups and downs but these have been caused by problems effecting the Financial climate as a whole and we have always remembered Deb saying that investing as we do is for the long run.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

We have only had minimal dealings in Finance before retiring and therefore have relied very much on Pen-Life and Deb for support. The outcome we have received has been appreciated by us.

What could they have done better?

It is most difficult to assess this not having access to all the services Pen-Life offer. I am sure if we had a problem they could assist with Deb would be on the phone immediately

Deb's reply

Thank you Susan, I really appreciate you taking the time to write this for me. It's always been a pleasure helping you navigate your retirement. I hope you and Dave are both well and getting ready for Christmas. Deb

Review from verified client

November, 2023





Based in West Yorkshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Third party introduction in respect of my requirement for inheritance tax planning.

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

Yes most certainly

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

The strategy is medium to long term based but so far very good

What could they have done better?

Very little with uncertainty and pessimism in global markets but not looking for short term benefit

Deb's reply

David it's been a pleasure working with you from the start, I look forward to hearing about what you're up to when we get together. Between us we'll crack this inheritance tax conundrum!

Review from verified client

November, 2023





Based in North Yorkshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

I was working and beginning to earn enough money to seriously plan for my family’s future. The service from my bank had deteriorated so I looked for professional advice.

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

Deb has helped me hugely both with leading me through the complexity of financial planning but also with her personal advice in helping me identify my goals.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Yes. Of course the financial world is particularly volatile at the moment but I’m confident that I am receiving the help and advice I need.

What could they have done better?

Difficult to identify anything. Communication is excellent and I always feel “well looked after”.

Deb's reply

Mike, thank you for taking the time to write this for me. You're one of my clients that I've known for the longest time and it's a privilege to work alongside people and their families as they tackle life and everything it throws at them. I hope you have a great Christmas with the family. Deb

Review from verified client

November, 2023





Based in North Yorkshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

I believed that I had an opportunity to take early retirement but needed professional help turning this aspiration into a deliverable plan

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

Deb wasn’t the first financial planner I spoke to but was the first not to blow my mind with financial gobbledygook or give a hard sell. Deb took me through a very structured and understandable process where I identified my priorities and pre-retirement goals. Once the vision was created it was then a simple matter of applying a timeline and behold I had a plan. With Debs help I managed to take early retirement.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Definitely the outcome I was hoping for. I retired early and four years later all is good. It was a massive decision but early anxieties have disappeared as my pension portfolio has proved to be resilient throughout the financial downturn. With Deb I feel that Im in safe hands and this trust brings contentment.

What could they have done better?

I don’t think I can identify any areas that could have been improved. If ever I was uncertain about any aspect of the service provided by Deb an email or phone call would provide a quick resolution.

Deb's reply

Thank you John, you make my job very easy and it's been amazing seeing you retire early and start all your projects!! I look forward to sharing many more restaurant tips in the future. Deb

Review from verified client

November, 2023





Based in East Riding

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

My company pension would half on my death, and disappear completely should my wife die. I transferred it into a risk appropriate plan through Penlife so that the fund remains within my family. That what was so important to me.

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

Deb, over various meetings and questions/ questionnaires, advised a plan that suited my personal risk profile, that would provide the income required to suit my personal retirement needs.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Yes, my drawdown is comfortable and my fund is showing a positive return.

What could they have done better?

Transferred my company pension a year earlier when I first heard of what Penlife could do.

Deb's reply

Thank you for taking the time to write this Bob, it's very much appreciated. I'm glad you're enjoying retirement, it's always great to see a plan come together! Catch up next year. Deb

Review from verified client

November, 2023





Based in North Yorkshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?


How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

Advice,Planning & Sincerity

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Obviously the last couple of years have been economically tough but hope things will turn around given time

What could they have done better?

As a company not a great deal it’s been a hard time for everyone

Deb's reply

Thank you John, always a pleasure to catch up with you! I hope Christmas is stress free for you. Deb

Review from verified client

November, 2023





Based in North Yorkshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Looking for advice on my workplace pension scheme

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

Debs help and advice was invaluable and has enabled me to plan for my future and ensure that my family are secure

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Yes - obviously at the moment things are tricky with the state of the world but I understand that this is a long term investment and I will still get the outcome that I want

What could they have done better?


Deb's reply

Thanks Nina!!!!!

Review from verified client

October, 2023





Based in North Yorkshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

I had dealt with PenLife in my working life and had a good impression of the firm. On retirement I chose to switch from Zurich and sought advice from Deb which I found easy to understand and useful. My wife has since chosen to invest funds via her office.

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

We meet with Deb every 12 months or so and discuss our investments. We find this helpful. She is well organised and professional but is always warm and friendly which we find to be important.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

The results have been satisfactory given the state of the economy in general and the results of the pandemic.

What could they have done better?

As above really. Investments always have room for improvement but given the state of the economy we are generally satisfied with our investments.

Deb's reply

David, thank you so much for taking the time to write a review, it's very much appreciated. Looking forward to an update when I see you next, Deb

Review from verified client

October, 2023





Based in North Yorkshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

My pension provision required looking into to ensure fit for purpose.

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

The initial advice was explained clearly and fully. The aftercare has been exceptional.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?


What could they have done better?

I’m 100% happy

Deb's reply

Thank you Jane, very much appreciated, looking forward to our catch up!!

Review from verified client

October, 2023





Based in Yorkshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

A friend in the same pension scheme/company had recently transferred their pension into a SIPP and recommend Penlife.

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

She gave us clear direction and advise not only in our meetings and discussion but the paperwork she gave us we could clearly see where we were going with our investments and what we could achieve. She also was clear about the risks we would be taking and always ensured we were happy with the risk.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Yes and no. Initially the investment did really well but then tumbled and have gone flat but we were aware that is the risk you take.

What could they have done better?


Deb's reply

Thanks Julie, I really appreciate you taking the time to do this. I'll see you early next year when I come to see the Alpacas!

Review from verified client

October, 2023





Based in Yorkshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

we were left some money and needed solid advise on where best to invest

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

She has carefully explained our options and advised us on the best way to secure our investments

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Yes Indeed

What could they have done better?


Deb's reply

Hi Ann, thank you for taking the time to do this for me. I've seen your comment about helping others in your family to prepare for the future and I'll pick it up next time we get together. Thanks again Deb

Review from verified client

October, 2023





Based in North Yorkshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Wanted to start planning for future retirement with a tried and trusted adviser.

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

I now have a clearer idea of how my retirement will look and when it can happen.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Obviously the markets performance are beyond our control but regular reviews mean I’m confident about how things will appear in the future.

What could they have done better?


Deb's reply

Thanks Katy, not too long now before you can put our retirement plans in action, exciting!!!

Review from verified client

October, 2023





Based in North Yorkshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Looking at a pension transfer.

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

Straightforward and easily understandable guidance/advice. No pressure and at all times we felt that the advice was impartial and gave us sufficient information for us to make an informed decision.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Yes, not only in the decision we made but also with the chosen adviser and her colleagues. The support hasn’t just disappeared and the firm and Den are proactive in their ongoing support.

What could they have done better?

On this occasion nothing, we have been really pleased with the outcome and ongoing support.

Deb's reply

Thank you David, it's been a pleasure working with you and seeing things really come together over the last 12 months. I hope you had a great week away. Deb

Review from verified client

October, 2023





Based in West Yorkshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

We were looking for sound, sensible & good advice as we were reaching retirement age. Needed inheritance tax planning & advice on investment.

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

Over the years Deb has done just that. In addition, not only is she personable but also quite clear & clinical with her advice.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Yes indeed!

What could they have done better?

Not much more Deb could do. She is the best we’ve seen.

Deb's reply

Thank you Mahesh, it's been my pleasure getting to know you both, I'm looking forward to seeing you both retire and enjoy all the things you've worked for. Speak soon. Deb

Review from verified client

October, 2023





Based in North Yorkshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Recently retired and required financial advice.

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

Understood my financial situation and how best to invest and protect my finances for the future.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?


What could they have done better?

I honestly cannot think of anything.

Deb's reply

Thanks Andy, I hope you're up and about again now, hopefully you got some of your goodies!!

Review from verified client

October, 2023





Based in Northumberland

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

A pension transfer

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

Always been there,through difficult times with information or advice needed

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?


What could they have done better?


Deb's reply

Rob thank you for this, I know how hectic life is. Hopefully see you when you're passing us soon.

Review from verified client

October, 2023





Based in West Yorkshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Early retirement.

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

Deb gave me a full breakdown of my pension options and financial planning for the future.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Review is imminent.

What could they have done better?

Unable to comment at this time as awaiting the review.

Deb's reply

Thanks Barry, looking forward to catching up in the next week or so. Deb

Review from verified client

October, 2023





Based in Cheshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

I wanted advice on transferring a company pension.

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

I contacted PenLife Associates and was put in touch with Deb Jacobs. She explained everything thoroughly and answered all my questions in a easy to understand way.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Yes. I have now set up my drawdown pension and it's exactly as I expected. I have complete faith in the portfolio I am in and I'm enjoying my retirement.

What could they have done better?

There's nothing more they could have done better. I can contact Deb whenever I have questions regarding my pension. Always very friendly and give excellent advice.

Deb's reply

Dave, thank you! All the way from your sunbed, I'm so glad you're doing all the lovely things you worked so hard for. Deb

Review from verified client

October, 2023





Based in East Riding

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Looking to retire in the next 10 years so wanted some professional advice

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

Demonstrated and explained how our finances would work over the next few years

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

It was the outcome I was expecting

What could they have done better?


Deb's reply

Thanks you Sarah, I know you've all been super busy just recently, hopefully I can catch up with you both soon. Deb

Review from verified client

October, 2023





Based in Yorkshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Having substantial capital to invest.

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

Giving advice and taking the stress out of trying to manage investments on my one with limited financial knowledge.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Due to current market volatility No, but I think due to Deb and her teams work a lot better than it could have been.

What could they have done better?

Nothing as far as I know.

Deb's reply

Richard, thank you for doing this. It's been a pleasure getting to know you both after looking after your Mum for so long. Catch up soon. Deb

Review from verified client

October, 2023





Based in West Yorkshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Inheriting some money and having to set up a family trust

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

I’m totally clueless and Deb has been 100% helpful and available- her and her team have made it as easy as possible for me

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?


What could they have done better?


Deb's reply

Laura, thank you. You're are absolutely not clueless, just super busy with more important things. Speak soon. Deb

Review from verified client

October, 2023





Based in North Yorkshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Early retirement

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

Looks after my pension investment

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?


What could they have done better?

Nothing always caring and professional with client interest at heart.

Deb's reply

Kevin, thank you! It's been a pleasure helping you into retirement over these last few years.

Review from verified client

October, 2023





Based in Angus

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Better management of our financial affairs and pension planning

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

Great advice tailored specifically to our needs and always delivered in a friendly way

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Mostly yes although in line with what is going on in the financial world as a whole

Deb's reply

Thanks Kati, I hope you're both okay and up to something fabulous!!!

Review from verified client

September, 2023





Based in North Yorkshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Having to retire from work earlier than planned in order to look after my partner, I needed specialist help to establish how best to handle my private pension and future income needs.

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

In our initial meeting Deb highlighted various pension options for me to consider given my early retirement situation. I opted to go for a drawdown pension scheme which offered the appropriate flexibility. Deb also helped my partner and I with our joint financial planning and needs. Her expert team also assisted with identifying benefits that I was entitled to as carer for my partner, which I otherwise wouldn't have been aware of.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Absolutely YES! Deb and the Penlife Team have kept me informed of all the growth in my investments through regular reviews and updates. I feel very confident that Deb and her team are on-the ball in applying their expertise in delivering the best for me.

What could they have done better?

Nothing. I have faith and trust in Deb.

Deb's reply

Hello Nigel, Thank you for taking the time to write this review, it's much appreciated! I hope you managed to have a lovely time away, catch up with you soon. Deb

Review from verified client

September, 2023





Based in North Yorkshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Transfer of work pension.

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

She has provided clear, concise well explained advice.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?


Deb's reply

Thank you for the review Andy, it's much appreciated.

Review from verified client

September, 2023





Based in Ayrshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Going into retirement wanted a firm large enough to deal with larger pension companies but small enough to treat me as an individual and care about my money as if it was theirs.

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

Friendly, professional and always available to help no matter what my question is. Excellent interpersonal skills and explains complex financial terms in language we can understand

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Yes money is safe and looked after and movements made to enjoy best returns

What could they have done better?


Deb's reply

Thank you George, it was lovely to see you in person last month, I hope you've caught up with yourselves after your trip.

Review from verified client

September, 2023





Based in Tyne and Wear

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Recommend for good advice

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

Gave good professional advice on retirement plans ending with a retirement plan that suited me

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

No due to the unstable financial markets and poor government decisions have not had the expected returns

What could they have done better?


Deb's reply

Thank you for taking the time to write this, it's really appreciated. I hope you've managed to get away this year and the hallway is done and dusted!!! Deb

Review from verified client

August, 2023





Based in North Yorkshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

I was coming up to retirement and wasn’t sure how to plan for my future. Called Pen Life and Deb came out to help me go through everything and gave me advice on the way forward.

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

Deb arranged for all the changes we discussed to be put into place and soon I could see my pension pot growing. Following this I asked Deb to go through the same with my husbands.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

We can now both see all our pensions in one place once all transfers had been completed

What could they have done better?

Nothing. We love to see Deb at our annual review and look forward to receiving further advice as we age.

Deb's reply

Thank you for taking the time to complete this for me, looking forward to seeing the new house soon!!!

Review from verified client

August, 2023





Based in North Yorkshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

We were looking to consolidate our investments and plan for our retirement, specifically looking at the potential benefits of transferring out one of our defined benefit pensions.

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

Deb started with a full review of our financial position as we approached retirement, considering our ongoing income needs, our attitude to investment risk and our inheritance objectives for our children. Deb’s approach really made this process simple and straightforward. We now have our investments and pension pots properly consolidated and easy to monitor. Deb is very friendly and easy to deal with and explains complex financial issues in a really understandable way. She is always available to answer questions at any time, not just in our regular review sessions. She is also supported by a very helpful team.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Most definitely, Deb has taken the stress out of our personal financial management. Whilst, our investments, like any, are prone to the fluctuations of the market, we are happy with their progress. Our regular reviews are really helpful and give us the opportunity to flex our approach if we need to.

What could they have done better?

Nothing comes to mind.

Deb's reply

Neil thank you so much for taking the time to write this, it's very much appreciated. Have a relaxing time away with no canoeing!!!!

Review from verified client

August, 2023





Based in North Yorkshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

We wanted to remove the strain of navigating financial markets, get the most from our assets and plan for the future, with the next generation in mind.

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

Deb has taken the time and trouble to understand our personal circumstances, demonstrated care and clarity in her advice and an expert under understanding of all aspects of activity in which we are interested.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

We have been really pleased with the outcomes across the board, and the growth that we have seen in our portfolio (financial crash in late 2022 notwithstanding)

Deb's reply

Thank you Susie, very much appreciated. Enjoy the relaxing break, Deb

Review from verified client

November, 2022





Based in North Yorkshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

I wanted advice on retirement planning including transferring my defined benefit pension scheme.

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

Great help and advice in transferring my pension, took the stress out of it. Helped me see what my retirement would look like.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Absolutely delighted with the outcome. My pension investment is being looked after by someone I trust and will help me with my long term options.

What could they have done better?

Couldn’t have asked for anything to be done better.

Review from verified client

November, 2022





Based in Yorkshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Transfer of pension

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

Deb helped me to fully explore my future needs regards to pension provision and weigh up pros and cons of transfer. Deb allowed and encouraged me to take my time to consider my options, assessing and recognizing my views regarding risk.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Yes transfer completed smoothly with full analysis completed in terms of my future goals in relation to my financial needs on early retirement

What could they have done better?


Review from verified client

November, 2022





Based in North Yorkshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Growing older and wishing to manage savings better.

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

Deb has listened carefully to my needs and acted to fulfill them, adjusting actions when change was required.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Overall yes, even when markets have been problematic.

What could they have done better?

Nothing. Deb and the staff at PenLife have always responded quickly to any requests or need for action.

Review from verified client

October, 2022





Based in North Yorkshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

My husband always looked after our financial affairs and when he died I was not confident to take it on. I needed good professional help.

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

Deb has always been lovely to talk to and I feel confident in the fact that she knows a lot about the area of finance I need help in. She has efficiently sorted out my financial affairs and taken a huge weight off my shoulders.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

I have.

What could they have done better?

I don't think anything else could have been done. Deb has always kept in touch with help and advice, and when there has been a new offer that she has felt would be right for me, she immediately gets in touch and we discuss it.

Review from verified client

October, 2022





Based in Nottinghamshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Transferring some work pensions and personal pensions into a managed pot. (new personal pension).

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

Deb has consolidated our various pots of money into one place providing opportunity for growth and to enable us to enjoy the rest of our lives as we wish. Straight talking, knowledgeable, empathetic and non judgemental are all qualities exhibited by Deb, all leading to confidence we have placed our funds in the right place.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

No. However and it's a big however, the Brexit fall out, Pandemic and worldwide economic struggles have not helped grow our pot in the way we would want. None of this can be attributed to Deb and the team, but what we can comment on is the way we are handled as clients and how our pot is steered through these difficult times for us and on that front we are happy with things.

Review from verified client

October, 2022





Based in North Yorkshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

We initially approached Pen Life as we were looking for investments to set up for our children to assist them with their first home purchase, and as we were so pleased with the outcome of those investments, we have now transferred our pension plan across to Pen Life.

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

Deb has remained our advisor since we were first introduced to Pen Life. She originally set up investments for our two sons, and she spent time with them both explaining the importance and relevance of financial planning at an early age, and they have been delighted with the outcome of their savings plans. Since that time, my husband and I have also had regular meetings with Deb to discuss our personal savings and pension planning. We had lots of small pension funds which were very difficult to keep track of, so we have now transferred everything across to the management of Pen Life and are comfortable that it is performing well and being reviewed on a quarterly basis.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

We have been delighted with savings plans which were put in place several years ago and although our pension fund has been quite volatile recently with the state of the economy, we are confident that as it is a long term investment plan, it will deliver (and likely to exceed) our original forecast.

What could they have done better?

I only wish we had found them sooner!!

Review from verified client

October, 2022





Based in North Yorkshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

We had savings that we wanted to invest and pensions that we needed advice on.

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

Deb advised us on where to put our pensions and gives us ongoing advise on where to put our extra income For the best financial outcome.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Yes our investments have grown over the years. My husband was very reluctant to put money into a pension and Deb has helped him understand why it works and the need to invest early.

What could they have done better?

They are always improving services and are very proactive.

Review from verified client

October, 2022





Based in North Yorkshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

On retirement needed professional advice regarding financial planning and investments

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

Provided assessment of attitude to risk and therefore gave sound advice in all aspects of financial planning.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?


What could they have done better?

Nothing really-satisfied

Review from verified client

October, 2022





Based in North Yorkshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Not satisfied with previous service provider who failed to maintain contact and was difficult to get in contact with.

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

Given sound impartial advice, regularly reviews my portfolio and provides a thoroughly dependable and professional service.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

My outcomes and expectations are in line with my attitude to risk.

What could they have done better?

Nothing I can think of.

Review from verified client

July, 2022





Based in Yorkshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

I required quality financial advice and having seen Pen Life's advertisements, decided to explore the options with them as they appeared to be reputable and provide a professional financial planning service.

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

Deb was allocated to me to provide pension advice given her expertise in this area. The service that Deb initially provided was very professional, thorough and explained in a way that gave me a clear path of the options available. Having decided to use Pen Life to manage my pension investments, Deb has continued to provide a top quality service.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

My pension investments are being looked after by someone who I trust to provide me with the long term lifestyle option that I have chose.

What could they have done better?


Review from verified client

July, 2022





Based in North Yorkshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Taking early retirement

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

I immediately struck a rapport when I met Deborah and felt I was ‘in a safe pair of hands’. Deborah immediately understood my needs and offered advise to suit my immediate and future needs.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?


What could they have done better?

Deborah could not have done any more than she has done. She is very approachable and on-hand to help when required.

Review from verified client

November, 2021





Based in North Yorkshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

To enable me to move and manage my pension

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

Gave advice and helped me understand the processes

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Very much so

What could they have done better?

Nothing at present pleased with the results

Review from verified client

November, 2021





Based in North Yorkshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Retirement and requiring on the best way to save and grow pensions and savings.

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

Deb has been faultless in her help over a variety of items.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Most certainly .

What could they have done better?

Very little, every person I have dealt with has at the time given my wife and I very sound advice.

Deb's reply

Thank you so much for taking the time to write a review, I really appreciate it and it's lovely feedback. Deb

First impression from a user who is not yet a client

October, 2021


Please provide a brief comment about your experience with Deb

There seemed little interest in progressing my enquiry. A shame….. by the way….. I spoke to a colleague, Justine, not Deb. She was not available.

Deb's reply

Hello, I was on holiday last week which is why my colleague Justine called you so as not to keep you waiting after your enquiry. It wasn't that we weren't interested in your enquiry, with any enquiry we're keen to help where we can but at PenLife we have minimum investment levels and unfortunately on this occasion you didn't meet them. Deb

First impression from a user who is not yet a client

February, 2021


Please provide a brief comment about your experience with Deb

Very friendly and informative

Review from verified client

October, 2020





Based in Tyne and Wear

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Financial planning for retirement

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

Gave me good honest advice all the negatives and positives

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Yes now planning to retire at the end of 2020

What could they have done better?

Don't know seems to have worked well with her methods as is.

Review from verified client

October, 2020





Based in North Yorkshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Early retirement

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

Debs gave great advice and help in deciding what to do with savings etc not required at present

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Yes apart from the impact of coronavirus

What could they have done better?

All great

Review from verified client

October, 2020





Based in Ayrshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

I had ideas of how I was going to plan my retirement income. Although I have a limited financial background I wanted to make sure my money was working as hard as it could for me and would leave me with no money worries for me. I wanted confirmation I was approaching my futuire plans in the correct way.

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

I spoke to Debs (and a number of other financial planners from various firms) and she immediately challenged the assumptions and plans I was thinking of making. We agreed I had three goals. Financial independence, tax efficiency and easy access to my portfolio. She laid out in simple terms how she and the team at Penlife could help me achieve the outcomes I needed. She did not shy away from difficult questions nor did she try and bamboozle me with jargon. She laid a plan out that would change and adapt to deliver the best outcomes.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

During these uncertain times she has been on hand to advise what is going on and how my investments are doing. The advise so far has exceeded my expectations and delivered excellent returns. I am aware no-one can predict the future but I honestly believe my money could not be in safer hands.

What could they have done better?

Very little.

Review from verified client

September, 2020





Based in Ayrshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Facing retirement is a daunting challenge with so many options available, I wanted to be able to enjoy a lifestyle knowing my money was safe and working for me. Because I did not have the largest pension pot it was extra important I could have input and discuss my options with a professional advisor who was regulated.

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

The initial discussion was straightforward. Debs wanted to know what was important to me and how we could achieve my goals. In subsequent meetings options were explored and given my aversion to risk, Debs came up with ideas on how to move forward. A plan was agreed, which has subsequently been altered to my benefit through turbulent market conditions.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

My expectations have definitely been met. I have always been given assurances, whenever I have had questions, which have always protected my pension pot. I find Debs to have been professional and approachable at all times. She has always returned my texts and messages quickly and without fail. There have been no disappointments at all.

What could they have done better?

Debs has always gone out of her way to make my life easier, keeping me informed of all situations regarding my finances.

Review from verified client

September, 2020





Based in North Yorkshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Coming up to retirement

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

Sorted all mine and my husband's future retirement planning and gave us lots of advice. Debs is very knowledgable and always happy to help

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Definitely I know where to go for anything financial now. Look forward to seeing her each year and always get a speedy response when I need anything actioning

What could they have done better?

Nothing she has delivered on all fronts requested

Review from verified client

September, 2020





Based in North Yorkshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

I was with Harrowells Solicitors and they recommended Pen Life

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

She was very kind and explained things so I understood them

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?


What could they have done better?

Nothing really just to keep in touch regularly like she does

Review from verified client

September, 2020





Based in North Yorkshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

We needed our savings to work in our favour

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

She is very professional, she has multiplied our savings by 8 or 9 fold

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

She passed the amount that we expected years ago

What could they have done better?

Without being greedy, without Debs we both would have had to carry on working. We both have retired earlier than I expected. Thanks to Debs

Review from verified client

September, 2020





Based in North Yorkshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

We wanted to better understand our existing pensions, move what we could to better performing products and progress our plans towards retirement in the longer term

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

Deb took time to understand our attitude to risk and gathered information on all exisitng pensions and investments. Once she had all the information we discussed how to maximise what we had. Most were moved to a new tailored product which gets regularly rebalanced. Once a year we meet to discuss how things have performed and also whether our attitude to risk remains the same and also whether our end goals remain the same.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Yes! The funds have increased in value (even in the current very uncertain climate) and the increases more than cover the cost of getting the advice.

Review from verified client

September, 2020





Based in North Yorkshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

My husband had just died, I had no idea of where to start to look after my money

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

She set my mind at rest.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Yes. Very satisfied.

What could they have done better?

Everything was explained, no pressure applied., couldn’t have been any better.

Review from verified client

September, 2020





Based in North Yorkshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

I retired early due to health issues and had 2 pensions pots that I needed option for

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

She advised me about my options and gave excellent advice on how best to look after them whilst meeting my needs

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Yes I'm very happy with how Deb has looked after me

What could they have done better?

I have no suggestions to make Deb has given me good advice she is really professional but is also very personal and understanding of my position. I can't praise her enough.

Deb's reply

Thank you so much for such a lovely review! We'll definitely catch up soon

Review from verified client

September, 2020





Based in West Yorkshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

We needed a complete review of our finances & also help with planning for retirement

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

Deb has explained all the financial jargon in “human” terms to us! She lets you make up your mind once the options are laid out & the pros & cons of each explained to you. Deb is someone we’ve grown to trust implicitly.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

We’ve seen a positive outcome for a part of some changes that Deb had suggested & that we agreed to. Other matters are still underway at present.

What could they have done better?

Most likely not! Deb’s advice, approach & her professional demeanour is just the right balance!

First impression from a user who is not yet a client

June, 2020


Please provide a brief comment about your experience with Deb

If needed will use her. A good refreshing non-pushy experience.

First impression from a user who is not yet a client

January, 2020


Please provide a brief comment about your experience with Deb

Very pleasant and understanding

Review from verified client

December, 2019





Based in North Yorkshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Had a final salary scheme which I was not happy with so took some advice from Deb

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

Found out all the details necessary for me to switch pension provider. Everything was explained in a clear and concise manner. I knew exactly how the process would work and the benefits for me.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Yes........and more.

What could they have done better?

I can honestly say I don't think Deb could have done anything different to enhance my experience. Highly delighted with the service and always kept up to date with any progress.

First impression from a user who is not yet a client

October, 2019


Please provide a brief comment about your experience with Deb

Very knowledgable and helpful.

First impression from a user who is not yet a client

April, 2019


Please provide a brief comment about your experience with Deb

Review from verified client

March, 2019





Based in North Yorkshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Recently divorced and had to sell my bungalow so had decent amount left to invest and needed advice

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

Deb Jacobs came to chat with me and confirmed what Inwas thinking was a good option

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

The market is slow at the moment but this was always going to be mostly long term investment

What could they have done better?

Nothing. I had lots of questions, never having been in this situation before and it was all explained in layman’s terms

Review from verified client

March, 2019





Based in West Yorkshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

After suffering a major heart attack, which resulted with me having to retire from work, I wanted to know what financial options were open to me regarding my pension options.

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

By being very approachable and listening to what we thought we wanted for the future, and then explained very clearly what options were available to us. Then once we had decided on our action plan she very professionally carried out our wishes.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Our portfolio has been running for less than twelve months, and we are happy how it is running considering the financial turmoil in recent months.

What could they have done better?

I cannot think of anything negative.

Review from verified client

March, 2019





Based in North Yorkshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Wanted more than standard rates from banks

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

Invested into different funds

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?


Review from verified client

March, 2019





Based in West Yorkshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Due to business restructure I had to close down my final salary pension scheme

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

Clear professional advice

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?


What could they have done better?

No suggestions for improvement! Excellent advice and service

Review from verified client

March, 2019





Based in Lincolnshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

I was forced to take early retirement and wished to look at the best options for my situation.

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

Deb Jacobs considered my position, my finances and mapped out options for me to consider. She took time and great attention to understand my financial situation and provided a number of options without any pressure.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Firstly, peace of mind. It is so stressful to know what actions to take and she really helped my understand the key issues to consider.

What could they have done better?


Review from verified client

March, 2019





Based in North Yorkshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

After a lifetime of paying into pension schemes I wanted a plan to convert these savings into a retirement income

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

Deb helped me make a series of decidions that best suited my goals

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Yes. Although i was looking to gain confidence in my pension investment with steady growth prior to retirement volatile markets prevented this. However this has shown the wisdom of Debs advice to build a cash buffer to ride out any market crashes

What could they have done better?

Although experience of pushy financial advisors have made me less likely to take advice I still wanted Deb to tell me what to do. I quicky learned that it doesnt work that way at PenLife. They help you make your own decicions. Deb has been great at supporting me at each step of planning my retirement. I do race ahead and get frustrated at not understanding the fine details of drawing my pension and how tax is paid but cede that had i been given everything at once my head would have exploded. So despite those frustrations ive built trust in Deb to give me the right support at the right time and, after my annual review, it has been Deb who has initiated a follow up meeting to discuss the next phase of my retirement plan. Perhaps there is an opportunity for Deb to produce a roadmap presentation to better manage peoples expections

Review from verified client

March, 2019





Based in Yorkshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Pension transfer plus other investments.

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

Debs provided clear and solid advice.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?


What could they have done better?

Nothing. The process was excellent.

Review from verified client

March, 2019





Based in North Yorkshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

I had received an inheritance from my late parents and had some funds following my divorce settlement.

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

Deb gave me full support and advice on how to invest my capital to ensure I received the best returns whilst still being able to access the cash as and when necessary

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?


What could they have done better?

Nothing. I am totally satisfied with all the advice I have received.

Review from verified client

March, 2019





Based in East Riding

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Retirement in 2002 we joined Pen Life

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

Deb took over our affairs due to a staff change in the company approx 8 years ago and has always reported any badly performing investments and tried to improve our results

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Yes we are satisfied (no one has a crystal ball)

What could they have done better?

Deb has always answered our questions as clearly as possible as we had no previous knowledge of Financial Investment world. We always look forward to her visits and know we can call her anytime for advice.

Review from verified client

March, 2019





Based in Surrey

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

IHT avoidance

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

Understood my needs and provided quality advice

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?


What could they have done better?


Review from verified client

March, 2019





Based in Yorkshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Approaching an age where there was a real possibility of retiring early, however I needed to understand the consequences, and the financial effects of doing so, and how this would affect my lifestyle.

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

Deb's detailed every aspect/consequence of early retirement, and put into a language that I completely understood

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Absolutely have, and yes, there were times when I was a little nervous, but this was due to the current global markets rather than any individual organisation

What could they have done better?

The advice I constantly receive keep me totally informed, of my account and I am not sure if there is anything one can do to improve my experience I receive.

Review from verified client

March, 2019





Based in North Yorkshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

I was made redundant and was looking at the feasibility of early retirement.

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

Deb showed me I could take early retirement with the pension income I required.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Yes have been retired for 3 months.

What could they have done better?

I cannot fault the advise given by Deb and would recommend her to anyone.

Review from verified client

March, 2019





Based in North Yorkshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

I was planning for my future. I had met Deb through her previous job and was impressed. I felt I needed professional advice and was confident to work with Deb.

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

She analysed my needs and calculated my attitude to risk which enabled her to suggest the most suitable type of investment for me.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

I have seen good growth in my capital. I was able to pay my mortgage early and retire with confidence so a definite yes.

What could they have done better?

I understand that the type of investment I made were for the long term so I didn’t need much communication but sometimes I was a little confused when I received updates from Aviva rather than Pen- life. Some clarity on that would be helpful. It is a minor thing though.

First impression from a user who is not yet a client

November, 2018


Please provide a brief comment about your experience with Deb

helpful and informative

First impression from a user who is not yet a client

August, 2017


Please provide a brief comment about your experience with Deb

We had a preliminary meetings to discuss our questions and requirements. We are now going to consider what we want to do in the near and longer term, and will contact Deb again when we need to arrange something,

First impression from a user who is not yet a client

May, 2017


Please provide a brief comment about your experience with Deb

very personable and proffessional

First impression from a user who is not yet a client

April, 2017


Please provide a brief comment about your experience with Deb

I met with Deb to discuss pension planning, and found her to be personable, professional, clear and understandable. She took the time to go through areas I was unclear on and made sure I could make an informed decision.

First impression from a user who is not yet a client

February, 2017


Please provide a brief comment about your experience with Deb

Was very helpful. Answered our questions. Did not confuse us with technical language. Told us in full what would happen if we invested my pension with Pen Life and what our options were.

First impression from a user who is not yet a client

February, 2015


Please provide a brief comment about your experience with Deb

First impression from a user who is not yet a client

January, 2015


Please provide a brief comment about your experience with Deb

Never heard from her!

Deb's reply

Hi Mark, I think we spoke before Christmas? I was following up the e-mail I'd sent you but you hadn't received. As we discussed I think it was an issue we were having with our Server after a recent office move. I'm sorry that you slipped through the net and I hope you managed to get the advice you needed. Kind regards Deb

Review from verified client

December, 2014





Based in North Yorkshire

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

Deb Jacobs, of PenLife Associates, is personable, approachable and thoroughly professional; the advice I received, covering several aspects, was excellent and the service prompt. Highly recommended.

First impression from a user who is not yet a client

December, 2014


Please provide a brief comment about your experience with Deb

Going for second consultation 15/12/2014

First impression from a user who is not yet a client

November, 2014


Please provide a brief comment about your experience with Deb

Superb communicator, knowledgable, approachable and charismatic; Deb listened to my concerns and gave me relevant, usable advice that I will be sure to follow

Review from verified client

October, 2014





Based in North Yorkshire

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

Deb helped us organise our finances, including some rather complex matters that had to be completed over a period of time. Throughout she understood our needs, explained everything clearly and responded quickly to developments. She was professional in every way. At the same time she was a friendly, reassuring and interested listener who gave us confidence that we had made informed decisions.

Review from verified client

October, 2014





Based in North Yorkshire

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

Deb provides great advice exactly tailored to our requirements. Where we wanted to fully understand the details Deb worked hard to ensure we understood everything clearly. Where we wanted an overview that is what we were given. We felt we were given very balanced advice - some pensions were left where they were whilst some were moved - we weren't simply advised to move everything. Overall I felt very confident that Deb providing advice that was very much in our best interest

Review from verified client

October, 2014





Based in North Yorkshire

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

Deb is very professional, she is very competent in her field, she's a good communicator. she has offered us a broad spectrum of advise that has both protected our assets and in time will make them grow. I would happily recommend Deb.

Review from verified client

October, 2014





Based in North Yorkshire

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

As this was Debs first experience of setting up a Family trust, in order the remove Inheritance tax liability, I feel that she performed her requests with confidence , demonstrating her excellent knowledge of her subject, albeit a learning curve for her. Obviously time will tell as to how successful this has been, but what will happen to the financial markets is difficult to predict

Review from verified client

October, 2014





Based in North Yorkshire

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

Deb takes time to discuss things with you. She explains options and helps you reach decisions. She doesn't lead you into anything but helps you identify, with guidance, what is right for you. Deb takes time to get to know you which ultimately makes her advice more useful.

What could they have done better?

It's difficult to identify anything. Clearly how the investment performs is crucial but that in many ways will depend on things outside Deb's control. My only slight criticism was that I got a little confused by getting quite a lot of information from the 'ultimate' investor which maybe could have been channelled through Deb. This was a pretty minor problem though.

Review from verified client

October, 2014





Based in North Yorkshire

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

Deb was very thorough and also able to explain everything in a way which was easy to understand. She followed up everything up in a timely manner and was good enough to come to us for all meetings at a time that suited us.

First impression from a user who is not yet a client

October, 2014


Please provide a brief comment about your experience with Deb

Deb was helpful and able to answer all my questions.

First impression from a user who is not yet a client

August, 2014


Please provide a brief comment about your experience with Deb

Very helpful suggestions on current financial status. Discussed both current and medium term needs. Extended this discussion to inheritance planning.

First impression from a user who is not yet a client

July, 2014


Please provide a brief comment about your experience with Deb

I have had a response from Deb Jacobs which was very good of her, but have not met her yet as I am trying to arrange some time in August to discuss my needs.

Review from verified client

May, 2014





Based in West Yorkshire

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

I have found Deb to be the most wonderful help in my life. When my husband and I first met Deb we took an instant liking to her, she was very professional in her manner, had a clear view of our financial needs and since she took over our portfolio the value of it has increased extremely satisfactorily. My husband has died recently and since then Deb has been a great strength to me in all my financial matters and it is with great pleasure that I strongly recommend her as a very capable and intelligent financial advisor.

What could they have done better?

I cannot think of any way in which she could do better.

Review from verified client

May, 2014





Based in North Yorkshire

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

At last we have found someone we can rely on. We were introduced to Pen-Life and quickly recognised that they knew what they were talking about and were keen to find out what our needs were. Our Advisor, Debs Jacobs has been a delight to work with, and very much "on the ball". She has been proactive in seeking solutions to complex inheritance Tax Problems relating to property and investment.

What could they have done better?

Nothing apparent as yet.

First impression from a user who is not yet a client

April, 2014


Please provide a brief comment about your experience with Deb

Brief, accurate and extremely helpful, Thank you

Review from verified client

March, 2014





Based in North Yorkshire

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

Deb provides useful and trustworthy advice that is tailored to current needs and future plans. She is very thoughful in her approach and explains alternatives in an easy to understand way, when the way forward is unclear she will consult with colleagues about best approached. Deb was my advisor at Lloyds and now I have moved to PenLife so she can continue to advise me. She has great emapthy and never tries to sell me insurance :)

What could they have done better?

I would just like Deb to keep on doing waht she does so well

Review from verified client

March, 2014





Based in North Yorkshire

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

Deb has done an excellent job for my wife and myself in advising us on where to invest for my upcoming retirement. She has an excellent bedside manner! in explaining the ins and outs of the various schemes and how we can individually benefit accordingly. Deb has the ability to make everyone seem important rather than just another number. Deb first looked after our affairs when she worked for Lloyds Bank. We were so impressed that when she left Lloyds, we hunted her down so that she could manage our affairs again.

What could they have done better?

Nothing other than earn me more money!. I have been very happy with Deb and have been kept informed at all stages.

Review from verified client

February, 2014





Based in North Yorkshire

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

I am a relatively new client of Debs , and as in all things, time will tell. Initially though , I find her very obliging and easy to deal with. She has a good background in the world of finance and is always keen to explain things in laymens terms. I hope to deal with Deb for a long time to come.

What could they have done better?

I really cant think of anything .

Review from verified client

February, 2014





Based in North Yorkshire

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

She looked into everything so we didn't have to making sure everything we wanted was covered. She explained things thoroughly, talking us through everything. She never once pushed us into anything and gave us plenty of time to discuss and think about things.

Review from verified client

February, 2014





Based in London

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

Deb is very attentive, listens carefully and understands the issues that are important to the customer. She then advises accordingly and appropriately. She is not pushy and wants the best for the customer. I have just signed on with Penlife so I cannot tell how my investments will go but I have confidence in their expertise. I feel that as a customer I am working with Deb to achieve the best for my investments and that I am not being taken advantage of.

What could they have done better?

Nothing, so far I have no complaints

Review from verified client

February, 2014





Based in Berkshire

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

Deb is always very organised and efficient. I live a considerable distance from Deb's offices, but I have never considered moving to someone in my county, purely because Deb has been doing such a fantastic job.

Review from verified client

February, 2014





Based in North Yorkshire

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

Debbie is polite and courteous Has a great knowledge of the areas of investments we were asking about She always keeps to her appointment times and keeps in regular contact She is a good listener and patient which she needed to be with us as we asked lots of questions!! I would recommend Debbie to any one A really knowledgeable and helpful lady with an extremely pleasant personality

What could they have done better?

Send regular updates on investments

Review from verified client

February, 2014





Based in North Humberside

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

After my divorce and being a total pension novice I was so pleased to meet Deb Jacobs. She explained everything to me in a simple easy to understand way and answered all my questions clearly. Deb explained my options and everything progressed quickly.

Review from verified client

February, 2014





Based in North Yorkshire

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

Deb took time to understand exactly what we wanted, offered various options and explained them so that we understood them. We are extremely pleased with the outcome and appreciate the time and effort she took to get exactly the right package for our needs.

Review from verified client

February, 2014





Based in North Yorkshire

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

Deborah has helped me for quite a long time, she has all ways put me right on all matters. She also explains every think. From John Hind

What could they have done better?

every think Debs does is great for me

Review from verified client

February, 2014





Based in North Yorkshire

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

I had a letter to do with my pension which i did not understand so my partner put me in touch with Deb Jacobs, she was very helpful and advised me on my best options. she then helped me to sort out my life cover. I would recommend Deb to all my friends and family From Georgina Barnes

What could they have done better?

Debs does every think right for me

Review from verified client

February, 2014





Based in North Yorkshire

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

My requirements are relatively simple. I took early retirement at 55 in 1991 on an enhanced pension. I worked part-time as a freelance IT consultant, systems designer and programmer until I was 75. Lloyds Bank have handled all my banking requirements and services since I was 14; as an advisor assigned by Lloyds to look after my investments, Debs did a good job - certainly the best advisor assigned by Lloyds over my many years with them. When she left, I had every confidence in her advice in her new employment and moved my investments from the Lloyds Group in line with her suggestions and the results have been good. I think that her particular strength is to understand her clients' requirements and match them well; she is not constantly on the phone badgering me to make investments but she is mindful of my situation and will give me a call if opportunities arise which match my circumstances.

What could they have done better?

As I have said, my requirements are quite straight forward and Debs looks after my interests very well. I cannot really suggest anything to change or add.

Review from verified client

February, 2014





Based in North Yorkshire

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

Deborah has, in our relatively short relationship, always been responsive to our needs and wishes. She has communicated when necessary in an open and effective way, always seeking our informed consent for any proposed changes. Deborah explains what can sometimes be quite complex products with clarity and attention to detail.

Review from verified client

February, 2014





Based in North Yorkshire

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

Explains the procedures clearly, keeps us informed on a regular basis and keeps to the schedule.

Review from verified client

February, 2014





Based in North Yorkshire

How has Deb Jacobs helped you?

I've known Debs for about a year, we were going through some personal problems when we first met and she gave us enough space and time to enable us to understand our financial issues and deal with them in a timeframe suitable for us. She is methodical and efficient at getting relevant information to us. She is never pushy and always courteous. I truly value the advise I've been given and have already benefitted from it by rationalising my finances and making them more effective for the future. I couldn't recommend her highly enough!

What could they have done better?

We've taught her the value of flat shoes when visiting Nidderdale.