Reviewed for

Insurance and Protection ( 14 )

Mortgages ( 4 )

Pensions ( 65 )

Equity Release ( 4 )

Retirement income (annuities, drawdown) ( 53 )

Investments and Savings ( 48 )

Pension Transfers - Non Specialist ( 12 )

Inheritance Planning ( 34 )

Long Term Care ( 8 )

Pension Transfers - Specialist ( 9 )

Financial Planning ( 67 )

Financial Mentoring ( 15 )

Financial Coaching ( 7 )

Reviewers' assets

£500k+ ( 32 )

£200k - £500k ( 23 )

£100k - £200k ( 4 )

£50k - 100k ( 2 )

( 4 )

Client reviews

Review from verified client

January, 2024





Based in Hampshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Financial planning for retirement

How has Steph McDonald helped you?

Excellent practical sdvice

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?


What could they have done better?


Review from verified client

December, 2023





Based in Essex

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

I was very fortunate to inherrit some funds which i wished to continue with the long term investment.

How has Steph McDonald helped you?

Proivides confidence that my investments and savings are in a good position and is always available to talk to and provide assistance whenever i have asked.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Yes, i've been comforted by the level of return over the long term.

What could they have done better?

Nothing really, i like the way Harperlees provide a relaxed atmosphere and frankly puts one's mind at easde. Steph leads the charge in my opinion on providing confidence and where needed, guidance.

Review from verified client

December, 2023





Based in London

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Originally client of Adrian Quick

How has Steph McDonald helped you?

Reassuring, competent and available when required for problems

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?


Review from verified client

December, 2023





Based in London

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Poor understanding of financial issueosrly

How has Steph McDonald helped you?

Patient explanations and good advice

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?


What could they have done better?

Very little

Review from verified client

December, 2023





Based in Hampshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Long term finacial planning and pension

How has Steph McDonald helped you?

Inheritance and finacial planning

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

I have a much better understanding of how to manage my long term and short term finacial goals.

What could they have done better?

Progress updates on agreed finacial plans.

Review from verified client

December, 2023





Based in Oxfordshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Personal financial advise

How has Steph McDonald helped you?

Making sure that my present and future financial needs are covered

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?


What could they have done better?

I'm happy with the advice and service I've received

Review from verified client

December, 2023





Based in Essex

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

I was approaching retirement and needed assistance with my pensions and investments for the future

How has Steph McDonald helped you?

Steph talked me through and explained everything each step of the way. I had plenty of questions and received really clear answers.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Yes I am pleased with my income and investments

What could they have done better?

I do not consider I could have been given any better advice.

Review from verified client

December, 2023





Based in Essex

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Concern about inheritance tax bill that my children might face

How has Steph McDonald helped you?


Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?


What could they have done better?

Cannot think of anything she could have done better

Review from verified client

December, 2023





Based in Kent

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Ongoing review

How has Steph McDonald helped you?

By maintaining a sound grasp of our financial situation, needs and wants, Steph provides us with peace of mind regarding our future income and lifestyle.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Yes, the cashflow modelling is reassuring that my drawdown fund can provide the additional long term income and capital required

What could they have done better?


Review from verified client

December, 2023





Based in Shropshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Could not manage doing it myself not enough knowledge

How has Steph McDonald helped you?

Helped in all aspects of financil planning and pensions and how to finacially plan to help children and grandchildren going forward

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Yes more than happy with all outcomes

What could they have done better?

Nothing at all

Review from verified client

November, 2023





Based in Hertfordshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Needed a pension adviser

How has Steph McDonald helped you?

Planning out scenarios of ageing and retirement, and financial needs.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?


What could they have done better?

Working on a flat rate not percentage

Review from verified client

November, 2023





Based in Monmouthshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?


How has Steph McDonald helped you?

Guided on how to make good life choices knowing I have good financial security going forward

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?


What could they have done better?


Review from verified client

November, 2023





Based in Essex

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

I needed help to plan for my retirement and ensure my investments were working for me.

How has Steph McDonald helped you?

She has developed a plan so I could retire early.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Most definitely. I was able to take early retirement and spend time looking after my grandchildren and travel.

What could they have done better?


Review from verified client

November, 2023





Based in West Sussex

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Finances were getting too complex

How has Steph McDonald helped you?

Given us advice and confidence to live the life we are living

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?


Review from verified client

November, 2023





Based in Cheshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

I needed overall financial advice and planning services to help with all areas of personal and family financial planning matters.

How has Steph McDonald helped you?

By understanding the needs of myself and my family and providing quality advice and support on all financial and related matters.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Yes, very much so.

Review from verified client

November, 2023





Based in Suffolk

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

To receive specialist pension planning and financial advice

How has Steph McDonald helped you?

Steph has helped by being a good listener, who has been responsive to our changing circumstances and needs, (and shows great understanding and empathy) as well as being very professional and astute in providing tailored financial advice

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Yes. I was able with confidence to implement a financial and pension plan which enabled me to take early retirement and become mortgage free (and discuss my various options, life goals and priorities,as well as understanding the risks and variables)

What could they have done better?

Nothing comes to mind

Review from verified client

November, 2023





Based in Somerset

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

I was using my money inefficiently and not planning for the future

How has Steph McDonald helped you?

She is realistic in her advice, not promising what can't be achieved, and keen to metch her advice to my particular circumstances

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Yes, I am much better prepared and have control of my finances

What could they have done better?

I can't think of anything, I am sure if I were to give Steph feedback she would immediately act on it.

Review from verified client

November, 2023





Based in Suffolk

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Investments and Pension

How has Steph McDonald helped you?

She helped me find the best way to help my son financially with his property purchase

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?


What could they have done better?

In my mind Stephanie always does the best she can for you.

Review from verified client

November, 2023





Based in Worcestershire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

I had reached a point at work where I was significantly unhappy and needed to thoroughly understand my financial position before considering my next step.

How has Steph McDonald helped you?

Steph has a very grounded method for understanding and advising me as a client. It feels like a discussion with a friend and no suggestion of mine is too silly not to be considered - even when discussion reveals it actually isn't my brightest thought. Steph is never patronising or judgemental and her advice is down to earth, practical and realistic and I always feel much more secure after our annual review.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Absolutely, I understand my position and therefore am more confident in my options.

What could they have done better?

I genuinely cannot think of anything here

Review from verified client

November, 2023





Based in Suffolk

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

annual review

How has Steph McDonald helped you?

Friendly positive advice

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?


What could they have done better?


Review from verified client

November, 2023





Based in London

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

We had a pension pot and needed advice as to how best invest it.

How has Steph McDonald helped you?

She has given us advice as to the best way to manage our finances. We feel very confident following the advice she has given us.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

So far we have been happy with the outcome.

What could they have done better?


Review from verified client

November, 2023





Based in Essex

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Wanted help to plan retirement. Also discuss gifts to family

How has Steph McDonald helped you?

Steph made it easy to understand my options and guided me through the process.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

The outcomes have been fully met with my desires

What could they have done better?

I feel Steph and her Team at Harperlees did everything they could to assist me. Nothing I can think of that I feel they could have done better.

Review from verified client

November, 2023





Based in Essex

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

After a long career, I needed advice on how best to plan my Retirement and how to mitigate Inheritance Tax

How has Steph McDonald helped you?

Steph has made the process easy to understand and helped us make good decisions around funding Retirement and Inheritance Planning

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

The results of working with a Highly Qualified Financial Planner has exceeded my expectations.

What could they have done better?

I feel Steph and the Team at HarperLees have done everything I could have hoped for. There is nothing extra I can think of.

Review from verified client

January, 2023





Based in Essex

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Looking for ways to consolidate our incomes and expenditures to the maximum benifit.

How has Steph McDonald helped you?

Steph has given us sound financial advice throughout and sorted our finances to allow us to gain the maximum benefit based on our circumstances.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Yes, Stephs advice over the years has given us a clear and honest view of or finances. To enable to see the present and future more clearly and realistically.

What could they have done better?

Nothing really.

Steph's reply

Thank you Glen for your kind review. Always a pleasure to work with you to extend the life of the pension fund in order to secure your preferred lifestyle for as long as possible.

Review from verified client

December, 2022





Based in Essex

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

I was seeking advice for long-term financial and retirement planning - I was introduced to Harper Lees and Adrian Quick and have now been a client for many years.

How has Steph McDonald helped you?

Steph has been a part of the Harper Lees team that has consistently managed my financial affairs.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Completely satisfied! At various times I have dealt with Adrian, Trey and Steph and I am confident that all/each has the expertise to deliver the objectives we have jointly identified.

What could they have done better?

There is no area in which I feel the team's efforts has been lacking.

Review from verified client

December, 2022





Based in Essex

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Retirement and how to get best income from pensions and investments

How has Steph McDonald helped you?

Annually reviews investments and needs

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?


What could they have done better?

I'm not in a position to give an opinion

Steph's reply

Thank you Steve for your kind review. You have worked hard to save it, now we need to work hard to spend it whilst ensuring your plan remains on track.

Review from verified client

December, 2022





Based in Essex

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

We needed advice on where to invest money in the long term so we could enjoy a comfortable lifestyle and retirement

How has Steph McDonald helped you?

Yes she has been very helpful over the years.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Yes we are very happily retired and have a comfortable lifestyle with no money worries.

What could they have done better?


Steph's reply

Thank you Lyn for your kind review. Working with you and Alan is always great. Now that we have certainty of retirement covered, time to move onto the next part of your planning and work om reducing your tax bills. .

Review from verified client

December, 2022





Based in Essex

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

My mum moving into a home

How has Steph McDonald helped you?

She is slowly taking over from Adrian has moves towards retirement

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?


Steph's reply

Thank you Stephen for your kind review. Taking over your client relationship from Adrian has been a very smooth process and I look forward to working with you and Lesley over the coming years.

Review from verified client

December, 2022





Based in East Riding

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Initially my husband had a company pension pit that was sitting doing nothing.

How has Steph McDonald helped you?

Steph has made our plans for the future clear and relevant. She has demystified the options and given us round advice, peace of mind and fantastic results.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Yes, and more

What could they have done better?

There is nothing Steph could have done better. We have been very impressed with her level of knowledge, professionalism and approachability.

Steph's reply

Thank you Sass for your kind review. I have enjoyed working with you and always look forward to our meetings. I am glad that I have been able to demystify the options around pensions for you and will continue to do this for you.

Review from verified client

December, 2022





Based in Essex

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

I have recently retired and needed advice regarding my pensions.

How has Steph McDonald helped you?

She has helped me make important decisions for my future financial planning and has given me excellent recommendations.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Yes plus ideas/recommendations I would not have thought of. Her knowledge of her subject is very good and she has put any concerns I had at ease.

What could they have done better?

I do not think anything could have been done better.

Steph's reply

Thank you Debbie for you kind review. I am so glad that we have been able to assist you into retirement and that any concerns you had are now eased. It such an important time to make the right decisions.

Review from verified client

December, 2022





Based in Essex

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

I inherited some funds and wanted Steph and the Harpelees team to continue looking after these funds previously owned by my parents.

How has Steph McDonald helped you?

Advice on the types of investments (including the potential pitfalls - very thorough)

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?


What could they have done better?

In my opinion - nothing.

Steph's reply

Thank you Rob for your kind review. Always enjoy working with you with your financial planning and considering what we can do next to aid you further.

Review from verified client

December, 2022





Based in Essex

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Transferring a defined Veni fits pension to a SIPP

How has Steph McDonald helped you?

Advice and the practical aspects of moving a pension.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?


What could they have done better?

Nothing I can think of

Steph's reply

Thank you Neil for your kind review. It has been a pleasure working with you on your Financial Planning needs and keeping your plan 'on track', hopefully you are making up on lost time (due to Covid) on those holidays now.

Review from verified client

December, 2022





Based in Essex

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Needed advice on pension transfer and retirement planning

How has Steph McDonald helped you?

Provided comprehensive advice and arranged transfer plus regular reviews to confirm on track to reach objectives

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Yes- review confirms that despite current market turmoil am still in a position to retire

What could they have done better?


Steph's reply

Thank you Ray for your kind review. I have enjoyed being a part of your financial planning journey and ensuring that retirement remains on track for you. Current market turmoil is hard to ignore but hopefully you feel relaxed that while it isn't pleasant to experience it is not impacting your future choices around retirement.

Repeat review from verified client

November, 2022





Based in Suffolk

This review is a follow-up review from a client who left a review previously.

How has Steph McDonald helped you since your last review?

Steph has helped me with a decision regarding gifting my son enough to help him buy his first home. She guided me through all the pros and cons so I could make an informed decision.

Steph's reply

Thank you Julie for your kind review. It was a pleasure to be able to help you and enable your Son to step foot on the property ladder. I look forward to hearing all about his new home at our next meeting.

Review from verified client

November, 2022





Based in East Riding

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

LeDing up to retirement my Wife and I needed specialist advice and a financial plan for our future.

How has Steph McDonald helped you?

Great, sound initial advice and on-going updates to secure our finances. All undertaken in a friendly, uncomplicated fashion. Steph has a great manner and Sass and I regard her as a friend as well as an excellent manager of our finances.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Definitely yes.

What could they have done better?

In my opinion it’s a great service - cannot really suggest anything better.

Steph's reply

Thank you Chris for the kind review. Working with you and Sass has always been a pleasure and I always enjoy our meetings. I am loving seeing you really enjoy your retirement and look forward to catching up next year to see what is next in store for you both.

Review from verified client

November, 2022





Based in Hampshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Pension & personal investment planning.

How has Steph McDonald helped you?

Steph has recently taken over from my previous financial planner who is retiring.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?


What could they have done better?

To early to make assessment

Steph's reply

Thank you Greg for your kind review and for entrusting me to take over your financial planning as Adrian moves into his own retirement. I look forward to working with you and ensuring that your plans remain on track so you can continue to enjoy your retirement.

Review from verified client

November, 2022





Based in London

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

I wanted to look holistically about my long term investment strategy, looking throughout retirement, and I was introduced to Steph and her team.

How has Steph McDonald helped you?

Steph is super, and she is for lots of reasons: 1) she is very knowledgeable of the financial market and she can make think in a different way 2) she helps me to take emotions out of my investment considerations and be more objective 3) she is always available with short notice when I need to bounce back some ideas at her

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

yes, I feel I am constantly supported, and Steph and her team know what it is important for me

What could they have done better?

all is good so far

Steph's reply

Thank you Andrea for your kind review. I am always pleased to be a sounding board when you have things affecting your financial planning and to offer another side which you may not have originally considered. You have come so far and I look forward to seeing what the rest of your journey brings.

Review from verified client

November, 2022





Based in Essex

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Impending retirement

How has Steph McDonald helped you?

Recommend various options

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Yes has meet our expectations

Steph's reply

Thank you Richard for your kind review. It is great to see you really enjoying your retirement, although the pandemic tried to put a dampener on it, the holidays have now resumed. I look forward to hearing about what you have been up to next year.

Review from verified client

November, 2022





Based in Shropshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Wished to plan for early retirement

How has Steph McDonald helped you?

Advised on the management of savings and assets to produce sufficient income

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Yes although markets have been challenging the advice has been sound and realistic

What could they have done better?

Can’t think of anything very pleased with the service

Steph's reply

Thank you Mandy or the kind review. Enabling you to retire early has been an absolute pleasure and we will continue to work alongside you, even in the turbulent markets, to ensure that you can continue to enjoy your retirement without and stress or money worries.

Review from verified client

November, 2022





Based in Essex

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

My brother had been taken seriously ill and I had little confidence in my brother's existing financial adviser

How has Steph McDonald helped you?

Investing an inheritance

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?


What could they have done better?

Not applicable

Steph's reply

Thank you Alice for your kind review. Working with you has always been a pleasure and you have been an absolute advocate of ensuring people have the right protections in place following your brother's experience. We are glad you were able to find trust in HarperLees and look forward to seeing what spending you have planned next year.

Repeat review from verified client

November, 2022





Based in Shropshire

This review is a follow-up review from a client who left a review previously.

How has Steph McDonald helped you since your last review?

Steph and the team keep in touch with monthly updates via email about things that are happening worldwide financially and give advice on what if anything we need to do.

Steph's reply

Thank you Robin for your kind review. I am glad that we have been able to support you in your financial planning journey and rest assured that we will continue to do just that over the coming years, enabling you to make financial decisions with backing that you can really afford to make them.

Repeat review from verified client

November, 2022





Based in Hertfordshire

This review is a follow-up review from a client who left a review previously.

How has Steph McDonald helped you since your last review?

Steph has helped to minimise tax payments and together we have made some changes to the funds invested in. Steph has always responded to any questions and during Covid switched to remote meetings which worked very well.

Steph's reply

Thank you Derek for your kind review. I always enjoy helping to minimise tax payments when we can and answer any questions. Investment markets have been challenging but the backing of the financial plan hopefully allows comfort that you can 'weather the storm' when needed.

Review from verified client

November, 2022





Based in Essex

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

My husband was planning to retire.

How has Steph McDonald helped you?

Steph helped to prepare a report that illustrated our current financial position and projected how our retirement would progress financially. Our minds were put at rest, as I do not have a financial background. The investment decisions and advice have been clear and concise. We have also talked about Inheritance Tax Planning and how we can help our family.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

The move in to retirement has been helped and the help has been more than I could have expected. Very happy with Steph and the people at HarperLees.

What could they have done better?

As Steph and her team are always professional and explain things to my satisfaction, I feel there is nothing they could have done better to meet my needs and situation.

Steph's reply

Thank you Linda for your kind review. Taking that step into retirement and becoming spenders rather than savers can be a stressful time. I am glad to see that your mind was put at rest and look forward to continuing to do this for you for years to come.

Review from verified client

November, 2022





Based in Essex

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

As I was approaching retirement, I wanted someone to help me plan my financial security for myself and my wife.

How has Steph McDonald helped you?

Steph has helped us with preparing a cash flow projection for our future. She has also arranged the transfer of our pension schemes to a better fund manager and assisted in our attitude to investment risk. She also has a thorough understanding of our desire to help our family in the future, and provided detailed reports. These were all made in such a way that a lay man without knowledge could understand the information.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

We have indeed had a successful outcome. Steph has allowed us to relax, knowing that our finances are now in good hands. The whole team at HarperLees are very professional and the support they have given to us has been invaluable. As Steph looks after both myself and my wife, it is good to know that when, eventually, one of us either dies or becomes less capable, that she has a full understanding of our plans and our goals.

What could they have done better?

The personal care and professional advice has exceeded our expectations, and I do not believe there is anything either Steph or her support team could have done better.

Steph's reply

Thank you Brian for your kind review. Working with you and Linda is always a pleasure and I am so pleased that we have enabled you to relax into retirement with no stress or worries about finances. While no one wants to focus on possibilities of future ill health it is good to know that everything has been considered and put in place to ensure security. We will continue to be on this financial planning journey with you for many more years to come.

Review from verified client

November, 2022





Based in Essex

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

We needed a reliable company to give us sound advice for managing our money to enjoy a good life style and for a comfortable retirement.

How has Steph McDonald helped you?

We know we are in good hands and she will always be at the end of the phone if we have any worries or queries. She always keeps us well informed on any changes that might be of interest to us. We go back many years and it's so comforting to know you have someone who you can trust in.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Very much so. We are very happy with the outcome and can't fault any advice we have been given over the years.

Steph's reply

Thank you Lyn for your very kind review. Hearing that you feel you are in good hands with HarperLees is music to our ears. As Adrian takes the step into his own retirement, I look forward to personally working more closely with you for many years to come.

Review from verified client

November, 2022





Based in Somerset

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Our spending had got out of control and we had little preparation for our later years.

How has Steph McDonald helped you?

Steph always has our best interests at heart, is approachable, and also assertive where she feels a particular decision would be wrong for us.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Yes in that our finances are under control and we have reasonable provision for retirement; we need to wait a few years to be sure the plan is fulfilled

What could they have done better?

I can't think of anything

Steph's reply

Thank you Phil for your kind review. When you are in your own finances it can be hard to see where changes need to be made, so thank you for enabling us to look at this for you and adjust your financial planning track very slightly so you the future you have worked so hard for looks a lot better now.

Review from verified client

November, 2022





Based in Oxfordshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Wanting to invest, and not having knowledge of the stock market

How has Steph McDonald helped you?

Consistently offered good advice and reassurance

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?


What could they have done better?

I'm happy with the service I've received from HarperLees and Steph in particular

Steph's reply

Thank you Jill for your kind review. I am so glad that we have been able to offer you reassurance in your financial planning needs. I always look forward to hearing about what the spending plans are and making sure you are enjoying every bit of what you have worked so hard for.

Repeat review from verified client

November, 2022





Based in Worcestershire

This review is a follow-up review from a client who left a review previously.

How has Steph McDonald helped you since your last review?

Our annual planning review gives me continuing confidence that I can live my life as I choose and still be secure.

Steph's reply

Thank you Lee for your kind review. Living your life as you choose is what it is all about, and I am pleased to see that you are doing exactly that when we meet and hearing about the lovely holidays and experiences you have enjoyed over the year, whilst planning for the year ahead.

Review from verified client

November, 2022





Based in Essex

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Family recommendation. I required some assistance with inherritnce planning 7 years ago and Steph has been very helpful (and patient) with my investments and frequent questions

How has Steph McDonald helped you?

Provided assurance iro my investments particularly during the recent financial turbulent we have been experiencing.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Overall -yes -thanks Steph.

What could they have done better?

In my opinion, nothing

Steph's reply

Thank you Rob for your kind review. Ask as many questions as you need to, it is the only way to fully understand what is going on and it is absolutely what I am here for. The recent market turbulence has been hard to ignore, but knowing you are still on track hopefully provides comfort that retirement can come whenever you are ready.

Review from verified client

November, 2022





Based in Suffolk

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Pension advice

How has Steph McDonald helped you?

Practical and thoughtful, fully understanding my requirements

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?


What could they have done better?

More contact

Steph's reply

Anne thank you for your kind review. It has been an absolute pleasure working with you alongside Adrian and then separately as he enjoys his own retirement now. Always here for any enquiries you may have.

Repeat review from verified client

November, 2022





Based in London

This review is a follow-up review from a client who left a review previously.

How has Steph McDonald helped you since your last review?

Steph continues to advise us as to the best way to manage our finances in the short and long term. Her support is invaluable.

Steph's reply

Thank you Malcolm for your kind review. It has been a pleasure working with you over the last few years to manage your assets effectively so that you can enjoy them in your retirement.

Review from verified client

November, 2022





Based in West Sussex

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Having managed my own finances for many years my portfolio value was getting to the point where I needed expert help and advise to reduce risk. I was getting out of my depth.

How has Steph McDonald helped you?

Steph manages my SIPP and all my personal finance she knows, understands and anticipates my needs. Has educated me in many cases and keeps me on track to meet my financial and personal objectives

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

To date the outcomes have exceeded my expectations. Despite hats been going on in the world. She also keeps me up to date.

What could they have done better?

Very difficult to say. My finances are in a far better place these days. I’m very happy with her performance and I cannot readily think of any improvement areas.

Steph's reply

Thank you Howard for your kind review. It has been a pleasure to work with you making that step into retirement and now keep your finances working for you to enjoy.

Review from verified client

November, 2022





Based in Suffolk

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Pension and investment

How has Steph McDonald helped you?

I feel totally confident in the advice Steph has given me regarding my pension and investments.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Definitely yes

What could they have done better?


Steph's reply

Thank you Julie for your kind review. It was a pleasure to be able to help you and enable your Son to step foot on the property ladder. I look forward to hearing all about his new home at our next meeting.

Review from verified client

November, 2022





Based in Cheshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

As my career progressed my income and wealth increased to a point where I believed needed professional help to properly manage and invest it and plan for the future and possible early retirement.

How has Steph McDonald helped you?

Steph and the team at Harper lees have helped me realise the dream of early retirement with enough money to enjoy life. They are always available to me as a 'safe pair of hands' to guide me through life's financial challenges.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?


What could they have done better?


Steph's reply

Thank you Dave for your kind review. Having taken your relationship over from Adrian, it has been a pleasure to help guide your financial decision making in recent years and see you enjoy what you have worked so hard for.

Review from verified client

November, 2022





Based in Essex

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

I was considering retirement and wanted financial advice upon all my options and in particular on transfer/flexibility to drawdown part of my pension funds, as well as planning for the longer term with all the variables that involves

How has Steph McDonald helped you?

The advice and professionalism that Steph has provided has enabled me to make informed decisions upon my future and how I can best provide for myself and family. It is great to have someone who truly listens to your priorities and what is important to you in considering solutions and options available rather than assuming standard cost modelling approaches

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

My key goals and outcomes to date have all been achieved and Steph continues to assist in keeping me on track through all the market changes and challenges-no small thing in today's world!

What could they have done better?

I have been very happy with both the service provided and approach adopted-keep on doing what you do well

Steph's reply

Thank you Gary for your kind review. Your priorities are the most important thing about cash flow planning and ensuring that we can get you where you want to be whilst making sure it will not impact you negatively in the future. It has been lovely working with you over the past few years, especially while making some very big decisions about your life.

Review from verified client

November, 2022





Based in Kent

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

I wanted early retirement and after discussions with Harper Lee's, I felt reassured that our short, medium and longer retirement goals could be met.

How has Steph McDonald helped you?

Steph has taken over the servicing, following Adrian's decision to step back. The seamless continuity of reviewing our plans and goals is reassuring.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Yes, we are very pleased that following the change in servicing, Steph continues to provide us with the confidence and personal attention we've been used to.

What could they have done better?

Nothing really

Steph's reply

Thank you for your kind review Roy and I am pleased to see that the changeover from Adrian to myself has been seamless. I look forward to supporting you further during your retirement and ensuring that your goals can be met.

Review from verified client

November, 2022





Based in Cheshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

I needed help with my private pensions.

How has Steph McDonald helped you?

Steph guided me through the process and Made me aware of all the pros and cons so I could make a fully informed decision that best suited my circumstances

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?


What could they have done better?

Nothing. The service and advice was excellent.

Steph's reply

Thank you Karen for your kind review. I am glad that I have been able to help you understand how your pension policies can work best for you to support your own financial goals.

Review from verified client

November, 2022





Based in Torfaen

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Inheritance from death and f husband

How has Steph McDonald helped you?

To deal with the financial shock and assure me the steps forward

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?


What could they have done better?

As far as I am concerned nothing

Steph's reply

Thank you Marie for you kind review. It has been a pleasure working with you and helping you on a difficult journey. I am very much looking forward to seeing how your financial plan evolves over the coming years.

Repeat review from verified client

November, 2022





Based in Essex

This review is a follow-up review from a client who left a review previously.

How has Steph McDonald helped you since your last review?

Yes Steph has been assisting and advising us in our transfer to early retirement. Steph takes time to listen and understand our circumstances now and in the future. Her advice is well thought out and easy to understand. Thank you Steph

Steph's reply

Thank you Grant for the kind review. It is a pleasure to work with you and ensure that you remain on track in your retirement, enjoying the holidays/projects you want to with the security that you can.

Review from verified client

November, 2022





Based in Essex

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Retirement and investment from property sales

How has Steph McDonald helped you?

She always responds quickly to emails and questions, and will do a home visit if necessary

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?


Steph's reply

Thank you Sandra for your kind review. Helping you with your investments and ensuring you remain on track in your retirement has been a real pleasure.

Review from verified client

November, 2022





Based in Essex

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Handover from Adrian

How has Steph McDonald helped you?

Advice on monetary handover to son and timing.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Yes as expected

Steph's reply

Thank you Ruth for your kind review. You have been well looked after by Adrian for a long time and I look forward to working with you following his retirement to ensure that you fulfil all of your financial planning objectives and live life to the full.

Repeat review from verified client

November, 2022





Based in West Sussex

This review is a follow-up review from a client who left a review previously.

How has Steph McDonald helped you since your last review?

We have received regular emails with advise on the UK financial situation. When I contact her I typically get the advise I need within one day

Steph's reply

Thank you Howard for your kind review. Always a pleasure working with you and I love hearing about the holidays you are enjoying in your retirement. Looking forward to catching up soon.

Repeat review from verified client

November, 2022





Based in West Sussex

This review is a follow-up review from a client who left a review previously.

How has Steph McDonald helped you since your last review?

She is always available for us to ask questions whether it’s by phone or email . Has helped us with financial advice with change in finances and advising us of best options for getting the most from our pensions in retirement.

Steph's reply

Thank you Sue for your lovely feedback, always a pleasure working with you. I am so pleased you took that leap into retirement and are not looking back. Looking forward to seeing you again soon!

Review from verified client

April, 2022





Based in Essex

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

I would not hesitate to recommend Steph to any of my family, closest friends and work colleagues. Provides me with 100% confidence that my long term financeial investments are in safe hands. Steph is always pleasant and equally very patient and tolerent with my somewhat questionable time keeping... Steph and her team are always on hand and even when the gloabl stocks took a recent tumble, provided comforting advise and not to panic and sit tight - which certainly paid off - thanks Steph.

How has Steph McDonald helped you?

Investments and pension advise

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Yes - investments have remained bullish.

What could they have done better?

Given the parameters and appetite i have towards adverse risk, i think the results have overall been encouraging.

Review from verified client

November, 2021





Based in Essex

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Planning for retirement

How has Steph McDonald helped you?

In depth advice around existing pensions and the investment of the funds

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?


What could they have done better?


Steph's reply

Thank you Ray for your kind review. It has been an absolute pleasure to work with you on your retirement plans, ensuring that you will have enough money to retire with the lifestyle you really want. We will work together to ensure your plan stays on track and look forward to seeing you fully retire with no worries or concerns ready to enjoy your new freedom.

Review from verified client

November, 2021





Based in Essex

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

To secure our retirement

How has Steph McDonald helped you?

Good sound advice on given on who we should invest in our retirement.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?


What could they have done better?

We are more than satisfied with the advice given and don’t think steph could have done better.

Steph's reply

Thank you Alan for your kind review. I have very much enjoyed working with you and Lyn over the last few years alongside Adrian and look forward to continuing maintaining your financial planning needs in the future as Adrian steps back into his own retirement. Now that retirement has been fully secured, we look forward to watching you enjoy every moment of it.

Review from verified client

November, 2021





Based in Shropshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Financial advice

How has Steph McDonald helped you?

Many different ways

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?


What could they have done better?

Nothing very please will help over the years

Steph's reply

Thank you Robin for you kind review. It has been a pleasure to work with you and Mandy and recently assist you in the ‘leap of faith’ into retirement. I look forward to many more years of seeing you through you financial planning journey and encouraging you to spend whilst showing you that it is possible.

Review from verified client

November, 2021





Based in Suffolk

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

I needed some independent financial advice on my pension and future contributions

How has Steph McDonald helped you?

She guided me through all the pros and cons and put all the information to me in a way that was easy to understand and be able to make sound decisions

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Yes definitely

What could they have done better?

I cannot think of anything she could have done better. In fact I have confidently recommended HLS to several friends and colleagues

Steph's reply

Thank you Julie for your kind review. It has been a pleasure to work with you for a number of years on achieving your financial planning goals and to recently take over fully from Adrian as he steps back into retirement. I am glad that the process was easy to understand and have been very grateful for the recommendations, showing your trust in HarperLees. It was a great feeling to see you make that decision to retire, fully informed that you could afford to do so.

Review from verified client

November, 2021





Based in Hertfordshire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

I was due to retire and wanted some professional help to achieve the best outcome.

How has Steph McDonald helped you?

Helped with financial planning and setting up of drawdown. Advised on most appropriate funds for investment.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Mostly good. Not quite so happy with earlier fund performance and I should have switched funds earlier.

What could they have done better?

More advice on the range of funds.

Steph's reply

Thank you Derek for your kind review. It has been a pleasure to work with you setting up your Drawdown enabling you to relax into retirement, with no concerns about finances. The earlier fund performance was disappointing, however I am pleased to say the planning has always been on target to achieve your financial goals even when returns may be lower.

Review from verified client

November, 2021





Based in Essex

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

We have several financial considerations alongside our personal pensions that we felt would benefit from a professional service

How has Steph McDonald helped you?

Along with the team at HLS Steph has provided us with a versatile plan that will hopefully take us into a comfortable retirement and help to manage our families inheritance issues.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

We are not as yet looking to capitalise on any of our investments., but we remain confident that we are taking the right steps.

What could they have done better?

At this point we do not believe much more could be achieved.

Steph's reply

Thank you Steve for your kind review, it has been a pleasure working with and Jen alongside Adrian for many years. It has been great to work on your financial planning journey so far and we look forward to supporting you through your retirement journey, when you take that step, encouraging you to enjoy it to the maximum whilst giving to your family with warm hands’.

Review from verified client

November, 2021





Based in Essex

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?


How has Steph McDonald helped you?

Gave us advice..

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?


What could they have done better?

Not sure really...

Steph's reply

Thank you Karen for your kind review. Having taken over your client relationship a few years ago, it has been lovely to keep providing you with that security that everything is OK financially and to manage your income needs to ensure you can keep enjoying those holidays.

Review from verified client

November, 2021





Based in Essex

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

My parents used Harperleses and it was only natural for me to follkow in their footsteps and re-invest some money i had been very fortunate to inherrit. As my salary has increased, as have found i need more advice, which i'm very grateful for Steph and her attention to detail.

How has Steph McDonald helped you?

Steph introduced Quiler Cheviott to me and even during the pandemic years, the ene result has proven to be lucrative. Steph gave me some confidenc to keep my nerve and noty to worry about any dips in investments as they will boune back, which they have done.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Yes indeed...i am very comfortable with Steph and the Harperlees group.

What could they have done better?

This is a very difficulyt question as Steph has always been available and incrfedibly patient with me when i have not completed some manadatory forms on time, so to be honest, nothing...please keep doing what you have always been doing....

Steph's reply

Thank you Rob for your kind review. I did not have the pleasure of working with your parents, however I know Adrian did and always spoke very highly of them. It has been great to work together building your financial plan and making the required changes as and when needed due to changing tax situations and it is never a problem to help you ‘hold your nerve’ when needed as I always remind you that we are in this for the long term gains. As for your form filling, we always get there in the end.

Review from verified client

November, 2021





Based in Kent

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

To help with planning and safeguarding for our future

How has Steph McDonald helped you?

Understand where we will be financially into retirement

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?


What could they have done better?


Steph's reply

Thank you Patrick for your kind review. It has been great to work with you and Rachel on making your financial plan more sustainable as you start early preparations for future retirement needs. Safeguarding your future, whilst maintaining a lifestyle today is our absolute priority and we will continue to build towards that future.

Review from verified client

November, 2021





Based in Essex

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

We needed advice on how to plan for our retirement and whether it was realistic to retire early.

How has Steph McDonald helped you?

Steph was able to assess the savings and investments we had built up and listened to our views on how we saw retirement. She realigned our investments to facilitate our goal.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Yes and more. We have been able to retire and take incomes from 55. This has allowed us to spend more time with our grandchildren. Also in the coming year we hope to do the travelling we planned as the world opens up again.

Steph's reply

Thank you Grant for your kind review. We were thrilled to be able to confirm that your early retirement goals were achievable and will continue to work alongside you making sure we take the income as tax efficiently as possible for you. We look forward to seeing you enjoy more time with your grandchildren and hearing all about it. Fingers crossed the world opens up again soon and you can get back to travelling as much as possible and send me more photos for me to be jealous of!

Review from verified client

November, 2021





Based in London

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

On retirement we had a pension and personal savings and needed guidance on how to manage both.

How has Steph McDonald helped you?

We have been a client of Harper Lees for the past 10 years and have been very happy with the service we have received from Steph over that period. She has shown a personal interest in ourselves and our family situation, Her advice has been invaluable in helping us plan efficiently for the future and we feel secure in the knowledge that the management of our finances is in safe hands, We would have no hesitation in recommending Harper Lees to any friend or family member in need of financial advice.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?


What could they have done better?

No Better.

Steph's reply

Thank you Pat for your kind review. It has been a pleasure to work with you and Malcolm to ensure you can continue the life you want to live during your retirement with confirmation that your financial position remains secure. Lovely to hear you feel you are in safe hands with HarperLees, we will continue to work hard for you to maintain this.

Review from verified client

November, 2021





Based in Essex

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

My husband and I wanted advice about investing money for our future retirement.

How has Steph McDonald helped you?

There is always someone at the end of the phone for any queries. This is a reliable long standing company. We have been with this company for over 20 years.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Yes very much so. Our pension has done well. We know we’ve been given the right advice and it’s good to know we don’t have to worry about our future and that our hard earned money is safe and secure.

What could they have done better?

In my opinion we have no reason to fault anything. This is a loyal long standing reliable company.

Steph's reply

Thank you Lyn for your kind review. I have very much enjoyed working with you and Alan over the last few years alongside Adrian and look forward to continuing maintaining your financial planning needs in the future as Adrian steps back into his own retirement. Now that retirement has been fully secured, we look forward to watching you enjoy every moment of it and maintain that feeling that your future is safe and secure.

Review from verified client

November, 2021





Based in Somerset

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

My finances were out of control and I wasn't planning effectively for retirement or the future

How has Steph McDonald helped you?

She provides all round advice for my wife and I on managing our finances for the long term

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Everything is much more manageable and we have some effective plans in place

What could they have done better?

Nothing I can think of at the moment.

Steph's reply

Thank you for your kind review Phil, we have really enjoyed working with you to reorganise your financial plans. Glad to have gotten you on the right path for retirement now and look forward to seeing you enjoy it when you get there.

Review from verified client

November, 2021





Based in Essex

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Long term care for family member. Investments. Retirement. Inheritance. Financial planning.

How has Steph McDonald helped you?

Investment of funds and long term financial planning giving peace of mind and confidence to live life how we wish to

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?


Steph's reply

Thank you Alice for your kind review. I have very much enjoyed working with you and Keith over the last few years alongside Adrian and look forward to continuing maintaining your financial planning needs in the future as Adrian steps back into his own retirement. We are so glad to have given you that piece of mind and we look forward to helping you spend with confidence.

Review from verified client

November, 2021





Based in Essex

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

We were considering better structuring our finances and planning our pensions, with a view to retirement. The professionalism of the advice given and level of service received was excellent, and enabled us to consider all our options, and achieve our financial and life goals

How has Steph McDonald helped you?

Provided exceptional service in modelling our financial position and goals, and enabling us to make informed decisions upon how we proceeded with our pensions/retirement and life plans

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

I am pleased to say that our key outcomes and goals have all been achieved as planned

What could they have done better?

Nothing. The company and individuals we have communicated with have all been a pleasure to deal with, and are truly customer focused

Steph's reply

Thank you for your kind review Gary, it has been a real pleasure working with you and Karen and a real highlight in my career to have been able to get you retired with confidence that you could comfortably enjoy your retirement lifestyle at a time when you needed to be at home most.

Review from verified client

November, 2021





Based in Worcestershire

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

To ensure that I would be able to retire and maintain my lifestyle

How has Steph McDonald helped you?

Steph helped me understand my resources and understand and manage my long term options. I gained a better under=standing of my position now and going forward which gave me the confidence to proceed.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?


What could they have done better?

Actually I cannot think of anything now, the process is smooth and controlled and very reassuring.

Steph's reply

Thank you Lee for the kind review, it has been a pleasure to work with you and Mark and I have loved seeing your new home come together with the confidence to be able to spend what you want to with the security that you can continue to go on holiday and enjoy life.

Review from verified client

November, 2021





Based in Essex

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

We were struggling with the amount of outgoings especially with our mortgage payments.

How has Steph McDonald helped you?

Steph helped us to substantially reduce our mortgage payments by changing the repayment period. She also now gives us financial advice and support with my SIPP.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Yes our financial situation improved dramatically and brought us a lot more peace of mind. Steph and her team now work with us to advise on our current financial circumstances and pension options.

What could they have done better?

Nothing really, we have been very satisfied with the service that we have been provided.

Steph's reply

Thank you for you kind review Glen, it has been great to work with you and Karen to improve your lifestyle by helping manage your ongoing costs. We continue to manage your income needs around these costs, trying to reduce your tax liability where possible and ensuring that you are comfortable with your level of emergency cash reserve.

Review from verified client

November, 2021





Based in West Sussex

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Having looked after my own finances for many years it started to get too complex and time consuming for us to we handed it to Harperlees

How has Steph McDonald helped you?

Steph has taken over all our financial planning needs leaving us free to enjoy our retirement without worrying.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Yes in fact better than hoped for

What could they have done better?

Nothing! She does it all in a friendly supportive manner.

Steph's reply

Thank you Howard for the kind review. Working with you and Sue has always been a pleasure. To go from helping you save for retirement to now spend in retirement has been a great experience and we are glad that you can enjoy retirement without worrying.

Review from verified client

November, 2021





Based in West Sussex

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

Needing help with our pensions for future retirement

How has Steph McDonald helped you?

Always answered our questions, gave good advice. Always phoned back straight away if needed to get further information.Very approachable and friendly. Kept in touch with us on a regular basis.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

Yes, we have indeed, can thoroughly recommend Steph MacDonald

What could they have done better?

Can’t think of anything else, service was excellent.

Steph's reply

Thank you Sue for the kind review. Working with you and Howard has always been a pleasure. We are so pleased that you took that step and fully retired and encourage you to never look back. We have shown you that your lifestyle is affordable and you should enjoy every minute of it.

Review from verified client

November, 2021





Based in Kent

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?

We looked for a Financial adviser once we had children as we need to know everything was in order should anything happen. Being freelance we have no protection offered through work.

How has Steph McDonald helped you?

Steph helped us really look at our current spending and saving as well as future plans including retirement.

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?

It's a work in progress which is what's good with Steph. I know she always there if anything changes and needs to be modified.

Steph's reply

Thank you Rachel for your kind review. It has been great to work with you and Patrick on making your financial plan more sustainable as you start early preparations for future retirement needs. Whilst protection needs are never a fun conversation starter, I am pleased that we have been able to provide you both with security should the worst happen.